Friday, January 31, 2014

poet Max Schleicher (MFA '13) writes with great news

Finally some good news. MAR is picking up my poem "Grape Picker's Song."

Hope Faner Hall is still bracingly austere!

Congrats, Max!!!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

fantastic news for Brooks Rexroat (MFA fiction)

I'm profoundly grateful to the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference
Katharine Bakeless Nason Endowment and the Camargo Foundation for
selecting me as a 2014 Bakeless Camargo Residency Fellow, which will
allow me to work for a month on the Camargo campus in Cassis, France.
I also appreciate the incomparable Allison Joseph, who recommended I
check into Bread Loaf in the first place. After another year with four
day jobs, this is welcome news and welcome writing time.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Utterly Fantastic News About Ben Percy, SIUC MFA Graduate

Something to howl about: FOX TV is adapting Red Moon as a series and
I'm co-writing the adaptation with Oscar-winner Akiva Goldsman (A
Beautiful Mind, Winter's Tale)

Congratulations, BEN!!!!!