Another edition of Writers on the Road is coming! Thanks to Shawn Mitchell for the information below:
Where: Faner Hall, SIUC, Harry T. Moore Auditorium
What: 5 Readers from the MFA Program @ Urbana-Champaign rock SIUC, testing the promise that Faner is riot-proof
When: This Friday, 12/3 @ 6:00pm.
Laura Adamczyk wants you to know that she’s a product of an SIU union. Also that she’s won awards for her fiction from the Union League Civic & Arts Foundation of Chicago. And finally that, given the chance, she will change the music on your stereo.
Sean Karns’ poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Cold Mountain Review, Folio, Mayday Magazine, and elsewhere.
Sara Gelston comes from Maine. She has an affinity for rural life and soul music and an aversion to most games. When asked for directions, she always points east.
Max Somers is a poet and former (and, hopefully, again in the future) world record holder.
Aaron Burch has a book out from Keyhole Books (How to Predict the Weather), won a chapbook contest with PANK, has published a handful of stories, started a reading series in Champaign, edits a lit journal (Hobart), and likes bourbon (bourbon).
For Sale: Aaron Burch’s How to Predict the Weather and Hobart digs/books/things.