SIUC MFAs have been busy! Check out these notes from alums all over:
Tim Marsh (MFA '06 , fiction):
The LA Review just nominated my story "How to Make White People Happy" for a Pushcart, while The Splinter Generation just nominated my story "A Month Before 30, Summit of Signal Hill" for Best of the Web. Pretty cool. Another short story of mine, "Transit Wives" was also recently published in Monkeybicycle.
Justin Hamm (MFA '05, fiction):
There's audio of my poem "Uncle Fat Elvis," which appeared in The Battered Suitcase earlier this year, on the website Whale Sound. Poems on Whale Sound are read by Nic Sebastian, who has a great voice and a great ear and treats each poem carefully and lovingly. It is highly informative to have her record your work. Hopefully other SIUC poets can send some things her way!
Also of note, newly published work by alums appears in new issues of the Cincinnati Review and in Copper Nickel, respectively. Cincinnati Review (volume 7, number 2) features a poem by Travis Mossotti and a story by Alex Lumans; Copper Nickel features new poems by Adrian Matejka, Kerry James Evans, and James Thomas Miller.
Poetry alum Melanie Dusseau has accepted a teaching position at Northwest State Community College in Archbold, Ohio!