Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Good News Galore from Current Students and Grads

John Stanford Owen, second-year poet, has had his poem "In 1991" accepted for publication in the Yalobusha Review.

Leslie Adams, second-year poet, has won the Yellowwood Prize!! (Sponsored by the Yalobusha Review!)

Amy Blache Graziano, MFA '07 (poetry), has had her prose poem "The Dog" accepted for publication in Quick Fiction.

Alex Lumans (MFA '09 fiction) has a boatload of good news:

I just found out that John Brandon picked my story "No Wants, No Returns" for the 2011 Barry Hannah Fiction Prize that's put on by the Yalobusha Review. It'll come out in their next issue in February.

I also won third place in the Sycamore Review's 2010 Wabash Poetry Prize. January, Winter/Spring issue. Don't ask me how.

And a story of mine, "The Crow That is Still Eating Chicago" (which is secretly dedicated to Flaherty and his Bears), was accepted for publication by Prime Number.

Yalobusha Review
Quick Fiction
Sycamore Review
Prime Number