from Justin Hamm (MFA, fiction '05):
Wanted to drop a line to let you know about some of my recent acceptances and so forth. First of all, Artocratic has a poem of mine, "Apocalypses I Covet, Apocalypses I Don't," in the March issue, and Plains Song Review's blog features a recording of me reading "illinois, my apologies," which they published last year.
Also, "the electric widower" appears in jmww's recently released "Best of" anthology IV and they'll feature a recording of the poem on their blog in conjunction with that in the near future, while in April, my poem "down home" will appear in decomP.
And finally, my short story, "I Am Not Lenny Coolidge" will appear in the inaugural issue of Revisitations later this month.
from Michael Meyerhofer (MFA, poetry, '06):
Got a few braggy poetry updates to pass on... “Number Twenty-Five,” was taken by Anti-Poetry, “Dedication” was taken by Rattle, “Dear Leviticus” was taken by Southern Indiana Review, “Affirmative Action” was taken by African American Review, and “The World’s Oldest Dildo” was taken by Juked. Also, my reviews of David Linton’s The Selected Poems of Li Po and Barbara Louise Ungar’s The Origin of the Milky Way were taken by Rattle.
Congrats JH and MM!