Friday, March 19, 2010

Alumni Theater Project: Other People's Letters

Abby Wheetley (MFA '09, fiction) sends word of a very interesting upcoming theater project she and the folks in Special Collections have put together:

On the evening of April 8th, 2010, the Special Collections Research Center will be hosting an evening of dramatic readings from their collections. The event will begin at five thirty, take place in the John C. Guyon Auditorium and will be followed by a brief reception in the 1st Floor Rotunda with food and beverages.

Highlights include a letter from Charlie Chaplin during the McCarthy Era, a sustained correspondence from James Joyce to his publisher, a look into the daily life of a woman during the civil war and an entertaining account of a Paris trip from Henry Miller.

Attendees to the event can expect to be entertained, amused, shocked and touched by the intimacy and revelations that comes from reading Other People’s Letters. The event is free and open to the public.

The Special Collections Research Center of the Morris Library at Southern Illinois University Carbondale collects and preserves unique and rare historical materials in selected subject areas, and promotes the use of these materials by the Southern Illinois University Carbondale community, scholars, and the public. Its goal is to advance scholarship and further the educational, research, and service missions of the university.