Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Forthcoming Publications by Fiction Alums

Good news from Rachel Furey (MFA '09) and Chad Simpson (MFA '06):

from Rachel:


Since this story has always been special to me, I'm happy to report
that "Growing Breasts for Spiderman" has finally found an appropriate
home: an anthology titled Wait a Minute, I Have to Take Off My Bra.
It will be published by Inkspotter Publishing in Sept.


LINK: Inspotter Publishing:
Wait a Minute

from Chad:

Hi, Allison--

My story "Phantoms" (http://freightstories.com/Simpson.html) was just published in Freight Stories No. 6

"Phantoms" is also the title story of my chapbook of flash fictions and short-shorts, which will be out on April 16th from Origami Zoo Press. More info is available here:
Origami Zoo

I hope all's well.
