My story "A Man Gets Tired" is forthcoming from PANK, "Now I Am Become
Death, Destroyer of Worlds" is forthcoming in Pulp Modern, "Everybody
Must Give Something Back for Something They Get" is forthcoming in The
Platte Valley Review, "The Right Men For the Job" appeared in 10,000
Tons of Black Ink, "Mediation" appeared in the newest issue of The
Raleigh Review and was nominated for the Million Writers Award, "It is
Wide and It is Deep" appeared in Prime Mincer and was nominated for a
Pushcart, I was named Managing Editor at BULL and was just interviewed
by The Review Review, and Atticus Books just announced that my first
collection, "An End to All Things," will be released November 23rd,
Black Friday, later this year.
Congrats on all this bounty, Jared!