Hey Allison! Hope the new year is treating you right! Things are
pretty awesome on this end. It's been a while and a lot of things have
Publications: New Plains Review has just published my essay "Patience"
in their latest issue; The Kartika Review has just included one of my
pieces "Banjar Dalung" in their 2011 Anthology of Asian Pacific
Islander American Literature, available on Lulu and Amazon; Ninth
Letter will be publishing my nonfiction piece, "Something Californian"
in their Spring 2012 issue; Quiddity will be publishing another essay
of mine in their 2012 issue, due out in the spring I think.
Fellowships: I've received a full bursary from the Tenot Foundation in
France, which grants me 6 weeks at the CAMAC Centre d'Arts, in
Marnay-sur-Seine, not far from Paris. Utterly stoked about this. I've
also received a scholarship to the Can Serrat International Arts
Center and will be spending June as a writer-in-residence in
Montserrat, Spain.
Bigger News: Though I'm not totally committed to this yet, I also just
received a conditional acceptance into the Aberystwyth PhD Creative
Writing Program in Wales. I'm a finalist for a departmental
scholarship that would fund my entire first year...so please keep your
fingers crossed, and anything else on your body that can overlap.