JUNE 28th, 2008:
Young Writers Workshop Participant Reading
Cisne Auditorium, Pulliam Hall 34, 1:30 PM
Come hear our award-winning young writers read from their work!
As director, I'd like to offer huge thanks for the great job this year done by my dynamic and talented YWW Staff.
Big props to Josh Woods, Andy McFadyen-Ketchum, Jenna Bazzell, Azizat Danmole, Rachel Furey, Renee Evans, Kerry James Evans, Travis Mossotti, Rachna Sheth, Amie Whittemore, Alex Lumans, Abby Wheetley, and Jason Lee Brown.
Thanks, Pinckney Benedict, for your wisdom and support.
And thanks to our guests: the fabulous Matt Guenette and the inimitable Blair.
Special thanks goes to Pat Eckert and Kim Goforth of the Division of Continuing Education for all their logistical help.