The irrepressible James Miller (MFA '07, poetry) has some funky good news to share, delivered as only he can:
I finagled a few more publications in the new Blackbird, replete with a cant-ish introduction, nice words (even though they called the poems "postmodern"; slang for smarmy to me), but still, I'm ecstatic to be in the same issue as Norman Dubie and Claudia Emerson.
And I won a Tennessee Williams Scholarship to Sewanee for the summer (figure I'll dress like Big Daddy/Matlock). I've been going to and fro between the ATL and Delta, teaching classes, planting corn and playing the off gig in my favorite places, juke joints. WBAD, the soul station I always wrote about, is back up and running. Thank Yahweh and Tyrone Davis.
Congrats, James!
Link to the Blackbird poems by James:
James in Blackbird