The Visiting Writers Series and Crab Orchard Review present a reading by
Thursday, April 24, 2008
4:00 PM, SIUC Student Center Video Lounge (4th Floor)
This reading celebrates the publication of Jake Adam York's new book, A Murmuration of Starlings, published this year by Southern Illinois University Press in the Crab Orchard Series in Poetry. The reading is free and open to the public. A reception and book signing will follow in the Old Main Lounge (2nd floor, next to the Old Main Room).
About the author:
Jake Adam York is an associate professor of English at the University of Colorado-Denver. His first book of poems, Murder Ballads, was published in 2005. His poems have appeared in such journals as Blackbird, DIAGRAM, Greensboro Review, Gulf Coast, Shenandoah and Southern Review. York was raised in northeast Alabama.
About A Murmuration of Starlings:
"Through a ceremony of language and song, A Murmuration of Starlings consecrates and memorializes the souls, blood, and bones of those black men and women slaughtered on the altar of hate and violence during the Civil Rights era. With a lucid, shrewd inteligence and a commanding vision of healing and atonement, Jake Adam York makes an offering of images and music that seems the foundation of a new understanding and remembrance." --Major Jackson, author of Leaving Saturn
Visit Jake's web site at
Jake Adam York