Tuesday, April 22, 2008

MFA Graduation GALA--April 25, 2008

The Creative Writing Program of Southern Illinois University Carbondale's Department of English
cordially invites you to attend our MFA Celebration

April 25, 2008
6:30 PM
Student Center Renaissance Room

These nine graduating students will read briefly from their thesis works:

Helena Bell
Jason Lee Brown
Sara Burge
Martin Anthony Call
Mary Keck
Shanie Latham
Andrew Lewellen
JY Sexton
Timothy Shea

Please join us in wishing them congratulations and godspeed. There will be a reception with refreshments before the readings and during the intermission.

Graduate Faculty:
Pinckney Benedict, Rodney Jones, Judy Jordan, Allison Joseph, Beth Lordan, Mike Magnuson, Jacinda Townsend.