We're very excited about our next "Writers on the Road" event, which will take place this Saturday from 3-6 and include readings by MFA students from three different MFA programs: Washington U in St. Louis, Murray State U, and U of Alabama. Chris Dennis, who is a graduate of SIUC's undergrad program, will be one of the readers representing Washington U.
We hope you'll be available to make it to some, if not all, of these readings. But even if you cannot, we do hope you'll spread the word about the event to your students, both graduate and undergraduate.
Please note a location change: The readings will not be in a River Room this time. Instead, they will take place in the Cambria Room, which is adjacent to the Renaissance Room (where the Gala has been held for the past two years.)
The Graduate Writers Forum
presents the fourth SIUC-hosted installment of
Writers on the Road
featuring fiction and poetry readings
by MFA students from
Washington University in St. Louis
Murray State University
The University of Alabama
Saturday, February 23, 2008
SIUC Student Center ~ Cambria Room
3 p.m. Murray State University
4 p.m. The University of Alabama
5 p.m. Washington University
All are welcome. Please spread the word.