CARBONDALE, Ill. — Christopher Gardner, often described as a "modern-day Horatio Alger," brings his life story of hard times and personal triumph to Southern Illinois University Carbondale tonight.
Gardner is owner and CEO of Christopher Gardner International Holdings. But, the 53-year-old philanthropist and motivational speaker is widely recognized for his amazing story of personal tenacity that became a No. 1 best-selling book and movie, "The Pursuit of Happyness," in 2006. He served as associate producer for the movie.
Gardner's lecture is at 7 p.m., Thursday, Aug. 23, at SIU Arena. The event is free. SIU's Office of the President, the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute, SIUC's Office of Associate Chancellor for Diversity, and The Southern Illinoisan are sponsoring Gardner's visit.
---profile courtesy SIUC University Communications
PS Copies of Chris Gardner's book are available for free in Faner 2220 (aka the Glass Room). First come, first serve!