from an e-mail from Ingrid:
"I just wanted to let you know two things--one, that I entered a contest posted on the listserv to attend the Santa Barbara Summer Poetry Workshop and won, so I spent a nice long weekend writing and reading in what I'm convinced is the most beautiful place in the continental US; and two, at the workshop (which was small--about 30 poets), one of the organizers, Grace Rachow, spent a good deal of time praising and recommending CRWROPPS--among the many wonderful things she said about the listserv: "It doesn't get any better than this. It's free and it comes to you." She also expounded upon the high quality of the information. One of the women participating in the conference then shared that she has published numerous poems and a chapbook as a result of the information from CRWROPPS. When I bragged that I knew the moderator, I became a momentary celebrity in the room.
Jon and I are headed to China tomorrow, where we'll chill in Beijing for a week, then travel to Shanghai, where Jon will be presenting at a climate conference, leaving me to wander the streets alone. When we return, I will be focusing on polishing my manuscript to send out--it seems like most of the big first book contests have deadlines in the fall."
Congrats, Ingrid, on the SBSPW Prize! The link to CRWROPPS (Creative Writers Opportunities List) is to the right!