Thursday, July 14, 2022

Crab Orchard Review blog: Welcome

Welcome to the Crab Orchard blog, part of the Crab Orchard Review consortium. 

Crab Orchard Review was founded in 1995 by Richard Peterson, Jon Tribble, Allison Joseph and Carolyn Alessio. After 22 years in print, COR went digital and began publishing on issuu, where you can still peruse an archive of over two decades worth of poetry, prose, and commentary.

In October of 2019, Jon Tribble passed away, leaving an indelible legacy, one which Allison and the Crab Orchard editorial staff wish to honor. As we allow time needed to grieve and regroup, Crab Orchard Review remains on hiatus, but plans to return on annual basis via issuu.  

The Crab Orchard Series in Poetry—both the Open Competition and the First Book Award—are currently on hiatus as well. We look forward to one day continuing to grow our impressive catalog of Crab Orchard poets which includes Oliver de la Paz, Jake Adam York, Camille Dungy, Traci Brimhall, Tarfia Faizullah, Hala Alyan, and more. 

This blog is meant to liaise Crab Orchard activity until mainstays such as the journal and the book contests resume. To submit books of poetry, fiction, and non-fiction for review, please contact Allison Joseph. To pitch ideas for features, please email Allison as well

For updates, please follow Crab Orchard on social media or here on the blog, as is not presently up-to-date.

Questions? Email