Catching up with MFA '09 grad James Scoles:
I hope all is well with you and in Carbondale, and big hugs to everyone in the program.
Some really good news to share:
Oberon Press will release the latest in their Coming Attractions series this fall, which features three emerging Canadian writers--including me--and three short stories of mine.
I was awarded a Manitoba Arts Council writer's grant--$5000--to write the final draft of my Irish novel, Spit in the Ocean. I will also return to Ireland this coming spring.
And today I was long-listed for the 2013 CBC Poetry Prize, the largest single poetry prize in Canada.
I am also once again teaching Creative Writing and Reading to Write Creatively this fall in the University of Winnipeg's Creative Writing Program.
Take care and thanks again for all your help and care over my three years!
Congrats, James!!!