Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Fwd: publications

New publication news from Mark Jay Brewin, Jr (MFA '11, poetry):

ahoy there, allison.

hope all is well with you fine folks out in carbondale. i am pleased to say that Mead: The Magazine of Literature & Libations accepted my poem "Mix-tape (#5) With the One That Still Always Breaks My Heart," Rappahannock Review accepted "Mix-tape (#4) With the One That I Still Haven't Learned the Lyrics To," Waccamaw accepted my Sweetelle "In Vineland" (again, such a great form!), Jabberwock Review accepted "Helium," and The MacGuffin accepted "Self-Portrait at 13."


Congrats, Mark!!!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Fwd: Poetry Publication

Good news for MFA poetry alum Andrea Wagner (MFA '13):

Hi Allison,

I can't believe that I've kept forgetting to email you with good news:
my poem "This Is How You Hold the Reins" is forthcoming in CALYX in
2014! Pretty fine first pub, I think.

Hope all is well in Carbondale!



Wednesday, October 23, 2013

SIUC MFA alum featured in NY Times

Just wanted to share this interview with SIUC MFA graduate Kerry James Evans, which appeared in the New York Times yesterday.  Kerry James's first book of poems, Bangalore, was recently published by Copper Canyon Press. He is a PhD graduate of Florida State as well as a graduate of our MFA Program:

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Great news about SIUC MFA Graduates!!!

Adrian Matejka (MFA '01) is a National Book Award in Poetry finalist for his collection, The Big Smoke (Penguin, 2013).

James Scoles (MFA '09) won the CBC Poetry Prize, the most lucrative prize given for a single poem in Canada in a calendar year!

Monday, October 07, 2013

Devil's Kitchen Literary Festival Schedule 2013

2013 SIUC Devil's Kitchen Fall Literary Festival Schedule

October 2, 2013 at 1:21pm



8:00 – 9:00 p.m.

Reading by L. Annette Binder

John C. Guyon Auditorium (1st Floor Morris Library)





11:00 a.m. – 11:50 a.m.                  

Fiction Panel featuring L. Annette Binder and Mark Brazaitis

John C. Guyon Auditorium (1st Floor Morris Library)


2:00 – 3:15 p.m.

Poetry Readings by Jeffrey Skinner and Jason Sommer

John C. Guyon Auditorium (1st Floor Morris Library)


3:15 – 4:30 p.m.

Reception and Book Signing featuring all festival readers

1st Floor Rotunda (Morris Library)

(sponsored by the SIUC Dept. of English and the Southern Illinois University Bookstore)


4:30 – 6:00 p.m.

Readings by the 2013 Devil's Kitchen Reading Award Winners in Poetry and Prose

Stevie Edwards and Mark Brazaitis

John C. Guyon Auditorium (1st Floor Morris Library)





11:00  – 11:50 a.m.

Poetry Panel featuring Stevie Edwards, Jeffrey Skinner, and Jason Sommer

John C. Guyon Auditorium (1st Floor Morris Library)


2:00 – 2:50 p.m.

Readings by Miles Harvey and Audrey Petty

John C. Guyon Auditorium (1st Floor Morris Library)


3:00 – 3:50 p.m.

Q & A with Miles Harvey and Audrey Petty

John C. Guyon Auditorium (1st Floor Morris Library)

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Honors for SIUC MFA GRADS!!!

Great news about two graduates of the SIUC MFA Program!

James Scoles (MFA '09) is a finalist for CBC Poetry Prize:

Adrian Matejka (MFA '01) has been longlisted for the National Book Award in Poetry:

Tuesday, September 03, 2013

fiction alum James Scoles making waves in Canada!

Catching up with MFA '09 grad James Scoles:

I hope all is well with you and in Carbondale, and big hugs to everyone in the program.

Some really good news to share:

Oberon Press will release the latest in their Coming Attractions series this fall, which features three emerging Canadian writers--including me--and three short stories of mine.

I was awarded a Manitoba Arts Council writer's grant--$5000--to write the final draft of my Irish novel, Spit in the Ocean.  I will also return to Ireland this coming spring.

And today I was long-listed for the 2013 CBC Poetry Prize, the largest single poetry prize in Canada.

I am also once again teaching Creative Writing and Reading to Write Creatively this fall in the University of Winnipeg's Creative Writing Program.

Take care and thanks again for all your help and care over my three years!

Congrats, James!!!

Friday, August 09, 2013

Re: More pub news!

An update from Mark Jay Brewin Jr (MFA '11):

Just dropping you a line to update you on some good news! My poems "Pastoral" was accepted for publication at Antioch Review, "On Dream Catchers" was accepted at Yemassee, and "On Spring Coming" was accepted for publication at Blue Earth Review. Good stuff indeed. (Also also, the sweetelle is an addictive form. Really dig how it works, the cadence. Can't wait to start sending it out there!)

I am missing all of you back at SIUC terribly so... hope you're all well!

On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 8:17 AM, Mark Jay Brewin, Jr. <> wrote:
Ahoy there, Allison!

Just dropping you a line to update you on some good news! My poems "Pastoral" was accepted for publication at Antioch Review, "On Dream Catchers" was accepted at Yemassee, and "On Spring Coming" was accepted for publication at Blue Earth Review. Good stuff indeed. (Also also, the sweetelle is an addictive form. Really dig how it works, the cadence. Can't wait to start sending it out there!)

I am missing all of you back at SIUC terribly so... hope you're all well!


On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 2:01 PM, Allison Joseph <> wrote:
Could you do me a solid and put all your recent pubs and accolades in one paragraph and we'll run it on the blog that way?

On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 10:29 AM, Mark Jay Brewin, Jr. <> wrote:
Ahoy there, Allison.

Just dropping you another note to let you know that my poem "On Dream Catchers" was accepted for publication at Yemassee! Pretty stoked about this one.

Hope all is well in the 'Dale.


Thursday, August 08, 2013

Re: Fantastic news for Alexander Lumans!

Alex has also been awarded one of the coveted work study scholarships
to this year's Bread Loaf Writers Conference!!!
On 8/7/13, Allison Joseph <> wrote:
> Our very own Alex Lumans (MFA '09) is the
> *Philip Roth Residence in Creative Writing, Spring 2014*
> *
> *
> *at Bucknell University's Stadler Center!*

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Fantastic news for Alexander Lumans!

Our very own Alex Lumans (MFA '09) is the

Philip Roth Residence in Creative Writing, Spring 2014

at Bucknell University's Stadler Center!

Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Publication News for MFA grad Lane Kareska!

Fiction alum Lane Kareska (MFA 2011) writes with this excellent news:

I wanted to write with my publication news: my novella "North Dark" has been released by Sirens Call Publications and is available in both physical and digital versions now. It's a dark revenge story set in an iron-age arctic landscape. Sled dogs and savagery abound. Also, I'm happy to say that a number of SIU alums' names have found their way into the text which is available here:

Congrats, Lane!!!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Re: Nelson Algren

Fiction MFA candidate Mary Kate Flannery is sharing the best kind of news:
A few weeks ago I was named one of the finalists for the Chicago Tribune's Nelson Algren Award. So I've got some cash coming my way and Printers Row will publish the story (The Explanation of Accidents) at some point.

Congratulations, Mary!!!!

On Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 10:53 AM, Mary Flannery <> wrote:
Hi Allison,

Just wanted to share some good news with you. A few weeks ago I was named one of the finalists for the Chicago Tribune's Nelson Algren Award. So I've got some cash coming my way and Printers Row will publish the story (The Explanation of Accidents) at some point.

Good luck with YWW. Hope you're enjoying your summer.

Mary Kate 

Friday, June 21, 2013

Young Writers Workshop Readings!


2013 READING SERIES: JUNE 25-JUNE 29, 2013

Southern Illinois University Carbondale


You are invited to hear this year's participating guests, faculty, graduate students and Young Writers Workshop participants!  Readings are free and open to the public!


Tuesday, June 25:

8-9 PM: Guest reader JOSH WOODS in Parkinson 124

Josh Woods is a fiction writer and editor. He has received degrees from the University of Evansville and the MFA Program in Creative Writing at Southern Illinois University. His books include The Book of Villains (Main Street Rag) and The Versus Anthology (Press 53). He teaches at Kaskaskia College.


Wednesday, June 26:

4–5 PM:  MFA Program graduate student readings by Staci R. Schoenfeld, Maggie Graber, and Max Tegethoff in Faner 1224


8–9 PM: Guest/Faculty Reading: RUTH AWAD and ALLISON JOSEPH in Parkinson 124

Ruth Awad is a poet, tattoo artist, jewelry designer and graduate of the Ohio State University and the MFA Program in Creative Writing at Southern Illinois University. Her poems have been widely published in journals such as Missouri Review, Copper Nickel (annual poetry contest prize), and the New Republic.


Allison Joseph is the director of the SIUC Young Writers Workshop. A poet, editor, teacher and writer, her latest book is My Father's Kites (Steel Toe Books).


Thursday, June 27:

4–5 PM: MFA Program in Creative Writing graduate student readings by Austin Kodra, Zach Macholz, and John Stanford Owen in Faner 1224


8–9 PM: Guest writer NICK OSTDICK in Parkinson 124

Nick Ostdick is a fiction writer, editor, and teacher. He is a graduate of Carroll College and the MFA Program in Creative Writing at Southern Illinois University. He edited the anthology Hair Lit, Volume 1, a collection of stories about hair metal. 


Friday, June 28:

4–5 PM: MFA Program in Creative Writing graduate student reading by Ashley Sigmon and Brett Gaffney in Faner 1224


8–9 PM: Guest writer: MICHAEL MEYERHOFER in Parkinson 124

Michael Meyerhofer's third book, Damnatio Memoriae, won the Brick Road Poetry Book Contest. Previous books are Blue Collar Eulogies (Steel Toe Books) and Leaving Iowa (winner of the Liam Rector First Book Award).  He has also published five chapbooks and is the Poetry Editor of Atticus Review.  His fantasy novel, Wytchfire (the first in a series) will be published in early 2014.


Saturday, June 29:

1:05–3:15 PM:  Young Writers Workshop Participant reading in Parkinson 124

Participants from this year's teen-focused writers' workshop will read from their work!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

2013 Young Writers Workshop Schedule

The Young Writers Workshop at SIUC is celebrating its 15th anniversary this year!

Young Writers Workshop Schedule

Southern Illinois University Carbondale

June 25–29, 2013

Tuesday, June 25:

2–4 PM: Young Writers arrive at East Campus Housing, Schneider Hall

4–5 PM: Getting settled in at Schneider Hall, meet-and-greet, and introductory meeting

5–6 PM: Dinner in the Faner Humanities Lounge

6–8 PM: Introductory fiction and poetry workshops

  • Fiction: "Speculative Fiction and Genre-Bending" with Cole Bucciaglia and Andrew Schwem in Faner 1222

  • Poetry: "Connotation, Diction, and Why Size Matters" with Ruth Awad and Brett Gaffney in Faner 1224

8–9 PM: Guest reading by fiction writer Josh Woods in Parkinson 124

Wednesday, June 26:

8–9 AM: Breakfast in the Faner Humanities Lounge

9 AM–12 PM: Morning workshops

  • Fiction with Ashley Sigmon and Dan Paul in Faner 2367

  • Poetry with Austin Kodra and Maggie Graber in Faner 2373

12–1 PM: Lunch in the Student Center

1–2:30 PM: Afternoon workshops

  • Fiction: "Flash!: Small Stories, Big Impact" with Jenny Flack and Elise Foster in Faner 2367

  • Poetry with Sarah Curtis and Zach Macholz in Faner 2373

3–4 PM: Mini-Classes

  • Poetry with Zach Macholz in Faner 2367

  • "Editing and Submission" with Ryan Crawford in Faner 1222

  • "Oulipo: How Self-Imposed Limitations Can Spark Creativity" with Elise Foster in Faner 1224

4–5 PM: Graduate student reading by Staci R. Schoenfeld, Maggie Graber, and Max Tegethoff in Faner 1224

5–6 PM: Dinner in the Faner Humanities Lounge

6–8 PM: Solo writing time proctored by Ryan Apking and Zach Macholz in Faner 3206 and 3208

8–9 PM: Guest reading by poets Ruth Awad and Allison Joseph in Parkinson 124

Thursday, June 27:

8–9 AM: Breakfast in the Faner Humanities Lounge

9 AM–12 PM: Morning workshops

  • Fiction with Ashley Sigmon and Dan Paul in Faner 2367

  • Poetry: "How to Create Authority and Collaborative Poetry" with Staci R. Schoenfeld and Brett Gaffney in Faner 2373

12–1 PM: Lunch in the Student Center

1–2:30 PM: Afternoon workshops

  • Fiction with Max Tegethoff and Ryan Crawford in Faner 2367

  • Poetry: "Looking at Revision" with Zach Macholz and Staci R. Schoenfeld in Faner 2373

3–4 PM: Mini-Classes

  • "World-Building Part I: Creating a Believable and Interesting Fantasy/Science Fiction/Alternative History Universe" with Cole Bucciaglia in Faner 1222

  • Poetry with Zach Macholz in Faner 2367

  • Fiction with Max Tegethoff in Faner 1224

4–5 PM: Graduate student reading by Austin Kodra, Zach Macholz, and John Stanford Owen in Faner 1224

5–6 PM: Dinner in the Faner Humanities Lounge

6–8 PM: Solo writing time proctored by Sarah Curtis and Zach Macholz in Faner 3206 and 3208

8–9 PM: Guest reading by fiction writer Nick Ostdick in Parkinson 124

Friday, June 28:

8–9 AM: Breakfast in the Faner Humanities Lounge

9 AM–12 PM: Morning workshops

  • Fiction: "Movie Magic: How Film Narrative Structure Informs Fiction" with Ryan Crawford and Jenny Flack in Faner 2367

  • Poetry with Maggie Graber and Brett Gaffney in Faner 2373

12–1 PM: Lunch in the Student Center

1–2:30 PM: Afternoon workshops

  • Fiction with Ryan Apking and Max Tegethoff in Faner 2367

  • Poetry with Zach Macholz and Brett Gaffney in Faner 2373

3–4 PM: Mini-Classes

  • Poetry with Zach Macholz in Faner 2367

  • "World-Building Part II: Creating Characters in a Fantasy/Science Fiction/Alternative History Universe" with Ashley Sigmon in Faner 1222

  • "Philias and Phobias: Writing Your Own Ballads of Love and Hate" with Maggie Graber in Faner 1224

4–5 PM: Graduate student reading by Ashley Sigmon and Brett Gaffney in Faner 1224

5–6 PM: Dinner in the Faner Humanities Lounge

6–8 PM: Solo writing time proctored by Ryan Apking and Zach Macholz in Faner 3206 and 3208

8–9 PM: Guest reading by fiction writer and poet Michael Meyerhofer in Parkinson 124

Saturday, June 29:

9–10 AM: Breakfast in Schneider Hall

10 AM–12 PM: Packing up and room check-out

12–1 PM: Pizza partay at Schneider Hall

1:05–3:15 PM: Participant reading in Parkinson 124

3:30–4 PM: Young Writers depart from Schneider Hall

Monday, May 13, 2013

Young Writers Workshop 2012 National Contest Winners!


Department of English, Southern Illinois university Carbondale, Faner Hall 2380, Mailcode 4503, 1000 Faner Drive, Carbondale, IL 62901


Announcing the Winners of the 2013 Younkin-Rivera Prizes For Young Writers


Carbondale, Illinois: The Young Writers Workshop, an annual creative writing workshop for high school writers, is proud to announce the winners of the annual Younkin-Rivera Prizes for Young Writers. Each winner will receive an award of $150 and free registration to the 2012 Young Writers Workshop, to be held on the campus of Southern Illinois University Carbondale.


In prose, this year's winner is Myra Stull for her story "Fireflies." Myra lives in St. Louis, Missouri and is homeschooled.

In poetry, this year's winner is Ricardo Cortez de la Cruz II of Bloomington, Illinois for his poem "For the Crows." Ricardo attends University High School in Normal, Illinois.

The awards, open to creative writers aged 15-18 from across the country, are named in memory of Brad Younkin and Roxana Rivera, two young writers who were once students in Southern Illinois University Carbondale's Master of Fine Arts Program in Creative Writing.

The Young Writers Workshop at Southern Illinois University Carbondale is a five-day, co-ed, residential creative writing workshop for high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors interested in developing their skills in the writing of poetry and prose. In 2013, the workshop will held from June 25 to June 29, 2013. Additional information about this year's session can be found at

The awards will next be offered in 2014. For information about next year's awards, please contact Allison Joseph, the Young Writers Workshop Director, at

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Congrats to second- year poet Austin Kodra!

Repost via Facebook:

my poem "Visibility at Zero" has been accepted for publication at Mason's Road, the online journal of Fairfield's MFA program!

Congrats, AK!!!

Re: Publications!

Poetry alum Mark Jay Brewin, Jr. writes with updated publication news:

I am pleased to say that my poem "The Coming Apart" was accepted for publication at Beloit Poetry Journal, and my flash fiction piece "Flexible Diet" was accepted for publication at McNeese Review. Huzzah!

Congrats, MJB!

On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 9:34 AM, Mark Jay Brewin, Jr. <> wrote:
Ahoy there, Allison.

I am pleased to say that my poem "The Coming Apart" was accepted for publication at Beloit Poetry Journal, and my flash fiction piece "Flexible Diet" was accepted for publication at McNeese Review. Huzzah!


Monday, April 08, 2013

Re: 2013 Little Grassy Literary Festival Events

Readings by poet Ross Gay and fiction writer Jared Yates Sexton!

The 2013 Little Grassy Literary Festival kicks off next Wednesday night
(4/10/2013) at 8 p.m. in the John C. Guyon Auditorium in Morris Library with
a joint reading by poet Ross Gay and fiction writer and SIU alum Jared Yates

The SIU bookstore will have Ross Gay's books available after the reading,
and Ross will be available to sign any copies.

Tell your students, friends, and colleagues. Tell you librarians and local
grocers. Tell anyone you think might be interested. This is going to be a
great start to a wonderful three days.

We hope to see you all there!! Some info about the featured authors below:

Ross Gay is the author of two collections of poetry, Against Which
(CavanKerry Press, 2006) and Bringing the Shovel Down (University of
Pittsburgh Press, 2011). His poems have appeared in literary journals and
magazines including American Poetry Review, Harvard Review, Columbia: A
Journal of Poetry and Art, Margie: The American Journal of Poetry and
Atlanta Review, and in anthologies including From the Fishouse (Persea
Books, 2009). His honors include being a Cave Canem Workshop fellow and a
Bread Loaf Writers Conference Tuition Scholar, and he received a grant from
the Pennsylvania Council of the Arts. He received his B.A. from Lafayette
College, his MFA in poetry from Sarah Lawrence College, and his Ph.D. in
American Literature from Temple University, and is a basketball coach, an
occasional demolition man and a painter. He has taught poetry, art and
literature at Lafayette College in Easton, PA and Montclair State University
in New Jersey. He now teaches at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana
and the low-residency MFA in poetry program at Drew University.

Jared Yates Sexton is an Assistant Professor of Creative Writing at Georgia
Southern University and serves as Managing Editor of the literary magazine
BULL. His work has appeared in publications like The Southern Humanities
Review, The Emerson Review, PANK, Hobart, NANO Fiction, and many others. He
has been nominated for a pair of Pushcart's, The Million Writer's Award, and
was a finalist for The New American Fiction Prize. His first book, An End To
All Things, is available from Atticus Books.

2013 Little Grassy Literary Festival: Day 2

Thursday, April 11, 2013, is the second day of this year's festival, and
it's full of readings, discussions, and some FREE FOOD!!

Here's the rundown:

11 a.m. – Poetry Panel Discussion:

Ross Gay
Lee Ann Roripaugh
Tyler Mills

2 p.m. – Readings by Lee Ann Roripaugh and Tyler Mills

3:30 p.m. – Book Signing and Reception (FREE FOOD!!)

7:30 p.m. – Reading and Q&A by Peter Ho Davies

All the readings and discussions will take place in John C. Guyon Auditorium,
and the book signing and reception will take place in the first
floor rotunda.

Here's some info for the participants:

Lee Ann Roripaugh is the author of three volumes of poetry: On the Cusp of a
Dangerous Year (Southern Illinois University Press, 2009), Year of the Snake
(Southern Illinois University Press, 2004), and Beyond Heart Mountain
(Penguin Books, 1999). She is Professor of English at University of South

Tyler Mills's debut collection, Tongue Lyre (Southern Illinois University
Press, 2013) won the 2011 Crab Orchard Series in Poetry First Book Award.
She is currently pursuing a PhD in creative writing at the University of

Peter Ho Davies is the author of the novel The Welsh Girl (2007) and the
story collections The Ugliest House in the World (1997) and Equal Love
(2000). The Welsh Girl was 'long-listed' for the Man Booker Prize in 2007.
Davies is now on the faculty of the MFA Program in Creative Writing at the
University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.

Little Grassy Literary Festival: Day 3

Friday, April 12, 2013, is the last (but certainly not the least) day of
this year's festival, and it will feature a fiction panel and a reading by
novelist, playwright, and screenwriter LeAnne Howe.

The rundown:

11:00 – Fiction Panel

Peter Ho Davies
Jared Yates Sexton
LeAnne Howe

1:00 – Reading and Q&A by LeAnne Howe

One important change to note. These two events will take place in the 3rd
Floor Rotunda of Morris Library, not the Guyon Auditorium.

Here's LeAnne's bio:

An enrolled member of the Choctaw nation of Oklahoma, LeAnne Howe writes
fiction, creative non-fiction, plays, poetry, and screenplays that primarily
deal with American Indian experiences. Her novels include Miko Kings: An
Indian Baseball Story (2007) and Shell Shaker (2001). Her plays include The
Mascot Opera: A Minuet and Choctalking on Other Realities. She is Director
of Creative Writing and Professor of English and American Indian Studies at
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Looking forward to seeing everyone at ALL these events :)

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Re: Publication

Melissa Scholes Young (MFA' 11, fiction) writes with a note about a
very special essay:

Ten years to publication, Allison. I'm kind of proud of this essay and
all that this crazy mothering ride has taught me.


Roxana Rivera Memorial Poetry Contest Winners!

Announcing the Winners of the 2013 Roxana Rivera Memorial Poetry Contest



Judge Nickole Brown, poet and professor at University of Arkansas
Little Rock, has chosen to honor the following poets and poems:


Winner: Chelsey Harris for "After the Second Accident"

Runner Up: Kevin Savoie for "to Mrs. F – a memory of sitting up late
and watching a particular scarring episode of "All in the Family"

Runner Up: Shaylin Goins for "c/o Menard Correctional Center, 1975"


Winner: Brett Gaffney for "An Offering"

Runner Up: Max Schleicher for "60th Street Boogie"

Runner Up: Austin Kodra for "Flame and Sometimes Water"

Please join us on Thursday, March 28 2013 at 4 pm in the Old Baptist
Foundation Recital Hall for an awards ceremony featuring a reading from
our judge, Nickole Brown, author of Sister, published by Red Hen
Press. The winners will also read their award-winning poems. There
will be a booksigning and reception in the Faner Humanities Lounge
after the ceremony.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Mark Jay Brewin--update number two!

More great news from Mark Jay Brewin (MFA '11, poetry):

There has been much good news these days as far as publications. My poems
"Ned Kelly Exiled in New Zealand" and "Below Corson's Inlet Bridge" were
just published in the current, Spring issue of Innisfree Poetry Journal (and
is now available online, "A
Borrowed Childhood Memory, Alloway, 4 July 1967" was published online at
Booth (and is also available now and
lastly, "What Cheer?" and "Jacobaea Vulgaris" were just picked up by diode.

And--a quick bit of shameless self-promotion--my book will be officially
available online on April 15th! With the reading tour beginning on April
11th at UNC-Greensboro. It's going to be a jam-packed Spring and Summer!

Congrats on all your great news, MJB!!

Mark Brewin update, number one

Mark Jay Brewin (MFA '11, poetry)--update one:

I am pleased to say that my poem "A Borrowed Childhood Memory,
Alloway, 4 July 1967"
(that was originally accepted for publication online at Booth) will be
featured in Winged City Press's anthology "Bourbon for Blood." AND the only
way I would have found out about this anthology is through your amazing
CRWROPPS listserv! Huzzah!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Publication for Bryan Estes!

Hot on the heels of his successful thesis defense, Bryan Estes (MFA
'13, poetry) has this great news:

This just in from Jubilat:

"Congratulations! We are thrilled and delighted to accept 'Another Poem
without a Walrus' for publication."

Congrats, Bryan on this and on your thesis defense!

Women's History Month Readings 2013

Women's Words Reading, Wednesday, March 27 at 7pm in the Old Baptist Recital Hall, followed by a small reception in Faner's Humanities Lounge.

Roxana Rivera Reading, featuring poet Nickole Brown, Thursday, March 28 at 4pm in the Old Baptist Recital Hall, followed by a small reception in Faner's Humanities Lounge.

Guys Love Gals Reading, Friday, March 29 at 5pm in a location TBA, followed by a small reception in Faner's Humanities Lounge.

Come help us celebrate women writers for Women's History Month. Bring your friends! Bring your students!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Congrats to M. Brett Gaffney

Second-year poet M. Brett Gaffney has great news to share:

Just wanted to pass along some of my good news. My poem "It" was just
accepted by Slipstream :)

Congrats, Brett!!!

Monday, February 25, 2013

2013 Roxana Rivera Poetry Contest Guidelines



2013 Roxana Rivera Poetry Contest Guidelines




Join SIUC's Creative Writing and Women's Studies Programs as we honor the memory of a wonderful poet and celebrate Women's History Month.


The Roxana Rivera Memorial Poetry Contest honors the memory of Roxana Rivera (1977-2003), who was a first-year creative writing graduate student from Lynwood, California. Roxana, a graduate of California State University Long Beach, earned her Bachelor's degree in Women's Studies and English. While at SIUC, Roxana was a PROMPT Scholar and a Graduate Teaching Assistant in the Department of English.


To remember this special woman and poet, a campus-wide poetry contest will be held, with divisions for both undergraduate and graduate students. Gift certificates will be awarded as prizes in both divisions:

$50 for the winning entry, $25 each for two runner-ups


This contest is open to all students currently enrolled at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Students of all majors are encouraged to participate in this contest.


This Year's Theme: "My Sister, My Self"


DEADLINE: Friday, March 22, 2013 at 4pm


Submission Guidelines: Send an entry packet with:


1) A cover sheet with your name, address, phone number, e-mail address, and poem title(s). Indicate on your cover sheet whether you are an undergraduate or graduate student.


2) No identifying information on the poems themselves, please. One poem per page. There is no entry fee, but there is a limit of three poems per entrant. When sending entries via e-mail, please send in rtf or doc file format (no docx) —send all poems as one file.


The contest theme is provided to spark your creativity, and entries that reflect upon the theme in the lives of women are particularly welcome.


Entries accepted via e-mail only at



(replace (at)with @ in sending e-mail).

Monday, January 28, 2013

Cross-genre Pub News for alum Rick Pechous

Recently heard back from Helix Literary Magazine about how they want to
publish a poem I wrote called "Bullet Holes Through a Stop Sign."
Unfortunately it's a print publication so I can't include a link.

Good news and congrats, Rick!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Staci Schoenfeld update!

Second-year MFA poet Staci Schoenfeld has lovely news:

Hi Allison, 

Huzzah! An acceptance for a poem, "On Becoming Open" from
 University of Louisiana at Lafayette's journal, Rougarou! In other (older) news, my poem "World Wide Web" was nominated for the 2012 Best of the Net Anthology by The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature, and my chapbook "Breadcrumbs" was named a finalist in Winged City Press's 2012 Chapbook Contest.

Congrats, Staci!!!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Update on Amie Whittemore!!!

Fantastic news from Amie Whittemore (MFA '10, poetry):

My poems "Velleity," "Blackberry Season," and "Dolphin Hour" were selected
to win the third annual Tennessee Williams/New Orleans Literary Festival
Poetry Prize by Ava Leavell Haymon. The prize includes $1,000, publication,
and a reading in New Orleans for the festival.

Congrats, Ms. Amie!!!

Melissa Scholes Young update!

Melissa Scholes Young (MFA fiction "11) writes with a prolific
publication update:

Brain, Child accepted my nonfiction essay "Something Borrowed" for
publication in summer 2013. Mandala Journal published my nonfiction essay
"On the Verge of Everything" and Sliver of Stone published my short story
"Holding Hands." In fall of 2012 I also had the pleasure of interviewing
Anne Panning and Stephanie Watts Powell over at Fiction Writers Review.
> Take care,
> Melissa
> --
> Melissa Scholes Young
> American University, Washington, D.C.

News from Sequoia Nagamatsu!

Lovely news for third-year fiction student Sequoia Nagamatsu!

Black Lawrence Press, an imprint of Dzanc, has named my manuscript,
Where We Go When All We Were Is Gone, a semi-finalist in their most
recent Black River
Chapbook Contest.

Here's the link:

Congrats, Sequoia!

News from Elena Pearson (MFA '07)

Great news from MFA '07 Elena Pearson:

OVS accepted "Sequence" and "Unswept" for publication in the Winter
2013 volume. I just approved the proofs. I am not certain when this
will be released, but I hope to see it at AWP.

Congrats, Elena!!!