Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Catching Up with Jared (JY) Sexton (MFA '08)

Fiction alum Jared (JY) Sexton sends this update: The biggest news is that I got hired on for the tenure-track fiction position at Georgia Southern University and will join their faculty in August. On top of that, my interview with Chuck Klosterman was the cover story for the latest issue of BULL, my piece "New and Better Things" was just published in Dark Sky Magazine, NANO Fiction will publish my story "The Hatred in Their Eyes, The Cruelty in Their Hearts," Metazen will publish my story "I am the Oil of the Engine of the World," Stymie will publish my story "Of All That Breathes Across the Earth," my story "A Man Gets Tired," originally featured in PANK, will appear in Press 53's upcoming anthology of bar stories, and the book trailer for my collection "An End to All Things," directed by film maker Jake Bottiglieri, recently premiered. (http://vimeo.com/40903289)