Rachel Furey, a SIUC MFA alum (MFA '09) in fiction who is currently a Phd student at Texas Tech, has won the 2010 Charles Johnson Student Fiction Award!
Congrats also to James Scoles, a 2010 SIUC fiction alum who was a finalist!
Charles Johnson selected "Calls That Carry for Miles" by Rachel Furey (Texas Tech University; Lubbock, Texas) as the winner of the 2010 Charles Johnson Student Fiction Award. Rachel Furey will receive $1000 and a signed copy of a Charles Johnson book. "Calls That Carry for Miles" will appear in the 2011 Winter/Spring issue of Crab Orchard Review.
The other three finalists are:
"The First Good Thing" by Lauri M. Anderson (Texas Tech University; Lubbock, Texas)
"To Cook an Egg Gently" by James Scoles (Southern Illinois University; Carbondale, Illinois)
"Pitch" by Janet Thielke (University of Southern California; Los Angeles, California)
We will list the finalists in the 2011 Winter/Spring issue of Crab Orchard Review. We will also give each finalist a year's subscription to Crab Orchard Review.
For information about the Charles Johnson Student Fiction Award and about Charles Johnson, visit
Charles Johnson