from Melissa Scholes Young (third-year, fiction):
I received my contributor copy of New Madrid today in which my essay "Carne" appears and found a delightful story entitled "A Flowery Tale" by Beth Lordan. What a treat!
New Madrid
Also, my essay "Lying in Mark Twain's Footsteps" came out in the inaugural issue of The Village Pariah.
Village Pariah
Oh, and I saw two of Rodney Jones' poems in the Spring/Fall 2010 Shenandoah.
from Emily Pruitt (MFA '03, poetry):
Hunger Mountain has accepted my poems "Mister" and "The Body Fails" for publication! You might remember "Mister"; it was the one you helped me with at the St Louis Poetry Center workshop this past winter. :)
from Justin Hamm (MFA '05, fiction):
Willow Review took "the autobiography, nearly" and Nimrod International Journal picked up "Rebekah Just When the Drought Was Ending" and "Illinois Route 3."
from Ben Percy (MFA '04 fiction):
A starred review for Ben's first novel in Publisher's Weekly:
Congrats to all! Thanks for making Carbondale proud!