Sunday, June 27, 2010

Good News Round-up: Congrats for Current and Former MFA Students

Here's great recent news to share from alums and current students--keep on sending in your writing life updates!

Emily Pruitt (MFA '03, poetry) and Travis Mossotti (MFA '10, poetry) were finalists for the 2010 Tampa Review Poetry Prize:

Tampa Review

Travis Mossotti (MFA '10, poetry) will have his poem "Mourning Heather" published in a future issue of Poetry Ireland Review. He will begin teaching at UC Santa Cruz in the fall.

Brenna Lemieux (current third-year student in poetry) will have her poem "Dysphasia" published in a future issue of North American Review.

Amy Graziano (MFA '07) will have her poem "In Tongues" appear in the summer issue of Naugatuck River Review.