Friday, May 14, 2010

News and Notes about/from SIUC MFA Alums & Faculty

A round-up of recent/forthcoming publications and honors for SIUC writers:

Travis Mossotti (MFA '10, poetry):
"Just got a notice that Southern Humanities Review has accepted "Inside the Skull" for publication." Travis will also read from his work at the Yeiser Arts Center (200 Broadway) in Paducah (along with current fiction student Shawn Mitchell) on May 22 @ 7:30 pm as part of the River Town Reading Series.

Pinckney Benedict, fiction faculty:
"In the Hot Type column of the June issue of Vanity Fair: "Independent presses burn red hot this month. In Miracle Boy and Other Stories (Press 53), the Chekhov of Appalachia, Pinckney Benedict, highlights a culture in which the bizarre and grotesque are commonplace." Pinckney's new fiction collection, Miracle Boy and Other Stories, will be celebrated with a reading during this year's Young Writers Workshop (June 22-June 26). Pinckney will read at 8pm in Faner Hall's Harry T. Moore Auditorium on June 22, 2010.

Andrew McFadyen-Ketchum (MFA '09, poetry):
An excerpt from his poem "Marysarias" appears in the new issue of Center: A Journal of the Literary Arts (published at the University of Missouri).

Allison Joseph, poetry faculty and Jan La Perle (MFA '06, poetry)
New work by Jan and Allison appears in new issue of the Tusculum Review (published by Tusculum College in Greeneville, TN).