Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Catching Up With Rachel Furey (MFA '09)

Rachel Furey (MFA '09, fiction) writes with good news today:

"I wanted to let you know that my story "Machete Maneuvers" has been accepted by Terrain.org: A Journal of the Built & Natural Environment for Issue No. 25 (to be launched around March 2010). The story was workshopped around this time last year, so I have to give a thankful shout-out to Pinckney Benedict and the rest of that workshop, whoprovided comments that proved helpful in revising that story.

Also, my pedagogy paper "Brave Writing: Embracing the Tough Details" has been accepted to be shared at a fiction and drama pedagogy forum taking place at the Denver AWP."

Congrats, Rachel! See you in Denver!
