Wednesday, April 29, 2009

More Good News from SIUC MFA Alums!

from David Bond (MFA '98, poetry):

Semi-Finalist, Gwendolyn Brooks Open Mike Award, Chicago, June, 2008
First Place, Poetry, Southern Illinois Writers’ Guild Contest, Sept 2008, for “I Hear You’re Getting Married”

Two of my poems will be used in other works—
“Temporary Work Stoppage,” (8 lines) will be included in The State of Southern Illinois: A History of the Land Between the Rivers, by Herb Russell, publication date of 2011, Southern Illinois University Press.
“Quiet Time: For Verne Morton” –this poem will be the lead page into a Verne Morton biography, featuring his photographs. The book’s title is also from a line of my poem—Great Possibilities: 150 Verne Morton Photographs. This 300 page book is scheduled for publication in May, 2010, Six Mile Creek Press.
The poem “Hard Women” (a slight revision of “Aurora”) is scheduled to appear in the Fall 2009 issue of The Cape Rock.

from Tim Marsh (MFA '06, fiction):
Hey Allison--
Some good news for the blog. I've just had a piece accepted by the White Whale Review. The piece is nonfiction and will be appearing either this week or next. The name of the piece is "Fast Food Bad, Fruit Stand Good."

Hope everything is well back there,

from Josh Woods (MFA '09, fiction):
Editor of THE VERSUS ANTHOLOGY, which hits shelves this month
(May 2009)
Associate Editor of SURREAL SOUTH ’09 (forthcoming 2009)
Short fiction “Small Dead Monkey” in Main Street Rag’s Fiction Anthology XX ECCENTRIC, which hits shelves this month (May 2009)
Short fiction “Jesus VS Thor” in THE VERSUS ANTHOLOGY
Excerpts from his novel, ALL HELL, in SURREAL SOUTH ’09
Short fiction “The Exorcise Machine” in THE PRESS 53 OPEN AWARDS ANTHOLOGY (2008)
Winner of the 2008 Press 53 Open Awards in Genre Fiction

Matt Guenette (MFA '99, poetry):
I was chosen for the 2009 Hessen-Wisconsin Writers Exchange. I'm currently working out details with my college. Looks like Jules, Auggie and I will be living in Wiesbaden thru Aug, Sept, and Oct. I'll be doing workshops and such while I'm there, but primarily I'm being given an opportunity to work on my next manuscript.
You can learn more about the Hessen-Wisconsin Writers Exchange at:
Writers Exchange

Liz (Kershner) Whiteacre (MFA '02, poetry)
I won the Vesle Fenstermaker Poetry Prize for the 2008 Indiana University Writers' Conference. :)

Cynthia Roth (MFA '01, poetry):
One poem, “The Sound of Love Failing,” included in the cooperative anthology “Letters to the World: Poems from the Wom-Po Listserv."

WTTW Chicago's series Arts Across Illinois featured poet Cynthia Roth on Friday, May 23 at 7:30 pm, and Sunday May 25 at 5:30 pm in Chicago, 2008. This program also ran on WSIU in Carbondale and Olney in the fall of 2008 and may run again at the discretion of the program director.

Congrats to all these alums on their recent achievements!