from David Bond (MFA '98, poetry):
Semi-Finalist, Gwendolyn Brooks Open Mike Award, Chicago, June, 2008
First Place, Poetry, Southern Illinois Writers’ Guild Contest, Sept 2008, for “I Hear You’re Getting Married”
Two of my poems will be used in other works—
“Temporary Work Stoppage,” (8 lines) will be included in The State of Southern Illinois: A History of the Land Between the Rivers, by Herb Russell, publication date of 2011, Southern Illinois University Press.
“Quiet Time: For Verne Morton” –this poem will be the lead page into a Verne Morton biography, featuring his photographs. The book’s title is also from a line of my poem—Great Possibilities: 150 Verne Morton Photographs. This 300 page book is scheduled for publication in May, 2010, Six Mile Creek Press.
The poem “Hard Women” (a slight revision of “Aurora”) is scheduled to appear in the Fall 2009 issue of The Cape Rock.
from Tim Marsh (MFA '06, fiction):
Hey Allison--
Some good news for the blog. I've just had a piece accepted by the White Whale Review. The piece is nonfiction and will be appearing either this week or next. The name of the piece is "Fast Food Bad, Fruit Stand Good."
Hope everything is well back there,
from Josh Woods (MFA '09, fiction):
Editor of THE VERSUS ANTHOLOGY, which hits shelves this month
(May 2009)
Associate Editor of SURREAL SOUTH ’09 (forthcoming 2009)
Short fiction “Small Dead Monkey” in Main Street Rag’s Fiction Anthology XX ECCENTRIC, which hits shelves this month (May 2009)
Short fiction “Jesus VS Thor” in THE VERSUS ANTHOLOGY
Excerpts from his novel, ALL HELL, in SURREAL SOUTH ’09
Short fiction “The Exorcise Machine” in THE PRESS 53 OPEN AWARDS ANTHOLOGY (2008)
Winner of the 2008 Press 53 Open Awards in Genre Fiction
Matt Guenette (MFA '99, poetry):
I was chosen for the 2009 Hessen-Wisconsin Writers Exchange. I'm currently working out details with my college. Looks like Jules, Auggie and I will be living in Wiesbaden thru Aug, Sept, and Oct. I'll be doing workshops and such while I'm there, but primarily I'm being given an opportunity to work on my next manuscript.
You can learn more about the Hessen-Wisconsin Writers Exchange at:
Writers Exchange
Liz (Kershner) Whiteacre (MFA '02, poetry)
I won the Vesle Fenstermaker Poetry Prize for the 2008 Indiana University Writers' Conference. :)
Cynthia Roth (MFA '01, poetry):
One poem, “The Sound of Love Failing,” included in the cooperative anthology “Letters to the World: Poems from the Wom-Po Listserv."
WTTW Chicago's series Arts Across Illinois featured poet Cynthia Roth on Friday, May 23 at 7:30 pm, and Sunday May 25 at 5:30 pm in Chicago, 2008. This program also ran on WSIU in Carbondale and Olney in the fall of 2008 and may run again at the discretion of the program director.
Congrats to all these alums on their recent achievements!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Grassroots Open Mike Reading and Publication Party
A note from Kathleen Richards, editor-in-chief of GRASSROOTS, SIUC's undergraduate literary
and art journal:
HELLO EVERYONE!I am happy to announce 2009's GRASSROOTS MAGAZINE RELEASE PARTY!!!The magazine is being shipped to us as we speak, so our second annual get together will be held next Thursday, May 7th in honor of the new magazine.There will be an open mic where all who are and are not published in the magazine are encouraged (but not at all required) to read their work to an adoring crowd.There will also be food and beverages HOWEVER due to a budget problem we will not be able to be as lavish as we were last year. Therefore, if anyone wants to bring some food or drink to share with all it would be greatly appreciated (but, again, not required).I understand this is finals week and some of you may be busy but I really hope that you all can take some time out and come party with us. I promise that the new magazine is beautiful and I know that everyone who's been involved with it has worked very hard, so you all deserve to party.This is open to the public, so feel free to bring friends, family members, acquaintances, strangers, and whoever else you would like to!Ok, so here's the rundown:DATE: THURSDAY MAY 7TH, 2009TIME: SIX P.M.LOCATION: FANER BREEZEWAY (the same place we had it last year; outdoor deck on the second floor of Faner above the university musuem)GOAL: HAVE FUN AND CELEBRATE THE MAGAZINE; EAT FOOD AND READ WORKThanks so much everyone, hope to see you next Thursday!!-Kathleen RichardsEditor-in-Chief--GRASSROOTS Undergraduate Literary MagazineSouthern Illinois University at Carbondale
Monday, April 27, 2009
Reading Reminder: Curtis Crisler reads at College of DuPage
Just a reminder about Curtis Crisler (MFA '04, poetry) reading at Liz Whiteacre's school:
You are invited to "An Evening with Curtis Crisler" at College of DuPage (425 Fawell Blvd., Glen Ellyn, IL 60137) on Wednesday, April 29, 2009 from 7:00-8:30 pm, SRC 1450. To RSVP, so she may send you more information, email Liz Whiteacre (MFA '02, poetry). Join us to hear Curtis read from his newest collection, Spill.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
MFA Graduation GALA!
The Graduate Creative Writing Program at Southern Illinois University Carbondale
cordially invites you to attend its annual MFA Graduation Gala
Saturday, May 2, 2009
6-10 pm
SIUC Student Center Renaissance Room
These eleven graduating students will read briefly from their thesis works:
Kerry James Evans
Renee Summer Evans
John Flaherty
Rachel Furey
Alex Lumans
Andrew McFadyen-Ketchum
Rachna Sheth
William Tyler
Aaron Wheetley
Abby Wheetley
Josh Woods
Please join us in wishing them congratulations and godspeed. There will be a reception with refreshments before the readings and during the intermissions.
Graduate Faculty: Pinckney Benedict, Rodney Jones, Judy Jordan, Allison Joseph, Beth Lordan, Jacinda Townsend, Jon Tribble.
cordially invites you to attend its annual MFA Graduation Gala
Saturday, May 2, 2009
6-10 pm
SIUC Student Center Renaissance Room
These eleven graduating students will read briefly from their thesis works:
Kerry James Evans
Renee Summer Evans
John Flaherty
Rachel Furey
Alex Lumans
Andrew McFadyen-Ketchum
Rachna Sheth
William Tyler
Aaron Wheetley
Abby Wheetley
Josh Woods
Please join us in wishing them congratulations and godspeed. There will be a reception with refreshments before the readings and during the intermissions.
Graduate Faculty: Pinckney Benedict, Rodney Jones, Judy Jordan, Allison Joseph, Beth Lordan, Jacinda Townsend, Jon Tribble.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Praise for Renee Wells (MFA '06)
Not surprised to hear that Renee Wells (MFA '06, poetry) is receiving praise for her innovative teaching at the University of Alabama:
Details here:
Missing Ink
Details here:
Missing Ink
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Interview with SIUC Poet in Heartland Women
Academy of American Poets Prize Winners 2009
A note from the contest coordinator, Mr. Rodney Jones:
Robert Wrigley, this year's judge, praised many of the poems in this year's competition, saying that it was difficult to choose the winners.
His selections were:
First Place: "Getting Arrested" by Travis Mossotti
Second Place: "Interlude--(for Domestication)" by Sarah McCartt
Honorable Mentions:
"Capital Wire and Cable, 1968" by Will Tyler
"Trivial Pursuit" by Travis Mossotti
Please congratulate the winners.
First Place: "Getting Arrested" by Travis Mossotti
Second Place: "Interlude--(for Domestication)" by Sarah McCartt
Honorable Mentions:
"Capital Wire and Cable, 1968" by Will Tyler
"Trivial Pursuit" by Travis Mossotti
Please congratulate the winners.
For more about the Academy of American Poets, visit
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
R&D: April Means Love
with an R&D tribute to Danielle Steele.
Ought to be a hoot. Last R&D of the semester.
Come after enjoying Alison Townsend's reading.
Melange, Thursday 4/23/09, 7 pm
607 S. Illinois Avenue, Carbondale
drink specials-trivia-prizes
Monday, April 20, 2009
Congrats to Mark Brewin!
First year MFA in poetry Mark Brewin has good news:
Congrats, Mark!
Packingtown Review
Ahoy, Allison.
Just a quick note to you--my poem "A History of Nut Allergies" was just accepted at the Packingtown Review. Hot dog.
Congrats, Mark!
Packingtown Review
Congrats to Melissa Scholes Young!
Melissa Scholes Young, first-year MFA student in fiction, keeps the good news coming:
LaChance Publishing has accepted my nonfiction essay "Herstory" for its Voices Of anthology. The book will be published this fall.
LaChance Publishing
Also, my nonfiction "Brazil: 10 Ways" is up at Stone's Throw Magazine.
Stone's Throw
And, I'm off to the New Plains Review Launch Party in Oklahoma City, OK to read my fiction, "Guinea Pig." If you squint really hard you can see my name on the cover the magazine :)
New Plains Review
Congrats, Melissa!
LaChance Publishing has accepted my nonfiction essay "Herstory" for its Voices Of anthology. The book will be published this fall.
LaChance Publishing
Also, my nonfiction "Brazil: 10 Ways" is up at Stone's Throw Magazine.
Stone's Throw
And, I'm off to the New Plains Review Launch Party in Oklahoma City, OK to read my fiction, "Guinea Pig." If you squint really hard you can see my name on the cover the magazine :)
New Plains Review
Congrats, Melissa!
Upcoming Reading: Alison Townsend

The Visiting Writers Series and Crab Orchard Review present a reading by Alison Townsend
Thursday, April 23, 2009
4 PM, SIUC Student Center
(Video Lounge, 4th Floor)
This reading celebrates the publication of Alison Townsend's new book, Persephone in America, published this year in the Crab Orchard Series in Poetry. The reading is free and open to the public. A reception will follow in the Old Main Lounge.
Alison Townsend is an associate professor of English and Women's Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. She is the author of And Still the Music, What the Body Knows, and The Blue Dress: Poems and Prose Poems. Her poetry collection Persephone in America was selected by David Wojahn for a Crab Orchard Series in Poetry Open Competition Award and was published in 2009 by Southern Illinois University Press.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Congrats to Alex Lumans!
Alex Lumans, third-year student in fiction, has some cross-genre action to report:
Some hot XXX cross-genre action. A poem of mine, "On the Eve of My Father's Second Book," made the top 20 finalists in the 2009 Single Poem Contest sponsored by the S.C. Poetry Initiative and The State newspaper.
Congrats, Alex!
S.C. Poetry Inititative
Some hot XXX cross-genre action. A poem of mine, "On the Eve of My Father's Second Book," made the top 20 finalists in the 2009 Single Poem Contest sponsored by the S.C. Poetry Initiative and The State newspaper.
Congrats, Alex!
S.C. Poetry Inititative
Congrats to Rachel Furey!
Rachel Furey, third-year student in fiction, is the bearer of some very good news!
Dear Allison:
I'm thrilled to share the news that Tobias Wolff chose my short story "Birth Act" as the winner of Sycamore Review's Wabash Prize.
Rachel Furey
Congrats, Rachel! You make us proud!
Sycamore Review
Dear Allison:
I'm thrilled to share the news that Tobias Wolff chose my short story "Birth Act" as the winner of Sycamore Review's Wabash Prize.
Rachel Furey
Congrats, Rachel! You make us proud!
Sycamore Review
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Author Appearances: SIUC Faculty Writers
Allison Joseph, SIUC faculty in poetry, will be on her unofficial "Southern Tour" this week. All readings are free and open to the public!
4 pm, April 15, Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, TN
Morgan University Center, room 303
6:30pm, April 16, Spelman College, Atlanta, GA, Cosby Auditorium
reading with Toi Derricotte, Cornelius Eady and Kevin Vaughn
launch party for Spelman College's literary journal Aunt Chloe.
1pm, April 18, Arkansas Literary Festival, Little Rock, AR
reading with Ann Fisher-Wirth and Andrea Hollander Budy
a reading from When She Named Fire, an anthology of poetry by women
Ozark Classroom, Arkansas Studies Institute
4 pm, April 15, Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, TN
Morgan University Center, room 303
6:30pm, April 16, Spelman College, Atlanta, GA, Cosby Auditorium
reading with Toi Derricotte, Cornelius Eady and Kevin Vaughn
launch party for Spelman College's literary journal Aunt Chloe.
1pm, April 18, Arkansas Literary Festival, Little Rock, AR
reading with Ann Fisher-Wirth and Andrea Hollander Budy
a reading from When She Named Fire, an anthology of poetry by women
Ozark Classroom, Arkansas Studies Institute
Monday, April 13, 2009
Praise for Pinckney Benedict!
Fiction faculty member Pinckney Benedict writes to tell of a special mention for his work:
My work got a nice mention in the Washington Post's Arts & Leisure section, in an article by Frank Arhens about the new PBS documentary APPALACHIA. He didn't care much for the miniseries, unfortunately, but he kindly mentions my stories.
My work got a nice mention in the Washington Post's Arts & Leisure section, in an article by Frank Arhens about the new PBS documentary APPALACHIA. He didn't care much for the miniseries, unfortunately, but he kindly mentions my stories.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Congrats to Kerry James Evans!
More publication news from third-year poet Kerry James Evans:
The Pinch just accepted "Arachne's Tapestry."
The Pinch
The Pinch just accepted "Arachne's Tapestry."
The Pinch
Friday, April 10, 2009
Congrats to Tim Shea (MFA '08)
Good news from the now-stateside Tim Shea (MFA '08, poetry):
Hey Allison,
Good news. Poetry London will publish three of my poems, 'Larkin Shaving', 'The Geography of Rain', and 'A Short Film About Loss' in their next issue.
Take Care,
Poetry London
Hey Allison,
Good news. Poetry London will publish three of my poems, 'Larkin Shaving', 'The Geography of Rain', and 'A Short Film About Loss' in their next issue.
Take Care,
Poetry London
Undergraduate Student Poetry Prize: for SIUC Students
Undergraduate Student Poetry Prize
Cash Award & One Year Membership to the
Academy of American Poets
To Enter:
Submit up to 3 Poems
Deadline: Wednesday, April 15th 4 p.m.
SIUC undergraduates submit an entry packet to: Prof. Judy
Jordan, English Dept. Faner Hall, Mail Code 4503 or drop off at
the English office, Faner Room 2380 during regular hours.
Entry packet should include:
1) A cover sheet with your name, address (including date this
address is good until), phone number, email address, and poem
titles. Plus an address good after May 15th.
2) Poems on individual, separate pages. Include title on poems
but not your name please.
Cash Award & One Year Membership to the
Academy of American Poets
To Enter:
Submit up to 3 Poems
Deadline: Wednesday, April 15th 4 p.m.
SIUC undergraduates submit an entry packet to: Prof. Judy
Jordan, English Dept. Faner Hall, Mail Code 4503 or drop off at
the English office, Faner Room 2380 during regular hours.
Entry packet should include:
1) A cover sheet with your name, address (including date this
address is good until), phone number, email address, and poem
titles. Plus an address good after May 15th.
2) Poems on individual, separate pages. Include title on poems
but not your name please.
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Upcoming Reading: Ed Pavlic

Poet Ed Pavlic will read at SIUC at on April 16, 2009 in Faner Hall's Harry T. Moore Auditorium at 7pm, with a reception to follow at 8pm in the Faner Humanities Lounge.
For more about Ed Pavlic, visit
UGA Faculty Page
Writers on the Road: Ball State edition
Writers on the Road visits Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana:
Southern Illinois University's Writers on the Road series will read from 3:30-4:30 pm on Friday, April 10 in Bracken Library Room 225. Featured readers include Kerry James Evans and Travis Mossotti, poets, and Renee Evans and John Flaherty, fiction writers.
Directions to Muncie:
BSU Maps
Southern Illinois University's Writers on the Road series will read from 3:30-4:30 pm on Friday, April 10 in Bracken Library Room 225. Featured readers include Kerry James Evans and Travis Mossotti, poets, and Renee Evans and John Flaherty, fiction writers.
Directions to Muncie:
BSU Maps
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Congrats to Kerry James Evans!
Third-year MFA in poetry Kerry James Evans scores again!
New England Review just accepted "A Good Hunt."
Kerry James
Congrats, KJE!
New England Review
New England Review just accepted "A Good Hunt."
Kerry James
Congrats, KJE!
New England Review
Monday, April 06, 2009
R&D April Edition: The Birds and the Bees
R&D, aka "Reading and Drinking," is back for its April edition, "The Birds and the Bees."
poetry-fiction-drama-drink specials-trivia=prizes
Melange, 607 S. Illinois, Carbondale
Thursday, 4/9/09
at 7pm
Melange's website:
poetry-fiction-drama-drink specials-trivia=prizes
Melange, 607 S. Illinois, Carbondale
Thursday, 4/9/09
at 7pm
Melange's website:
Congrats to Kerry James Evans!
Good news for Kerry James Evans (third-year in poetry):
Agni just accepted "Seven Chants, A War Cry" for its Fall Issue.
Congrats, Kerry!
Agni just accepted "Seven Chants, A War Cry" for its Fall Issue.
Congrats, Kerry!
Saturday, April 04, 2009
Academy of American Poets Prize Guidelines
From Rodney Jones's door in Faner:
Each year, the creative writing program at Southern Illinois University Carbondale, in conjunction with the Academy of American Poets, presents a poetry prize. The prize of $100 is given for the best poem and is open to all SIUC graduate students.
Contestants should submit up to three poems to
Rodney Jones, Coordinator
Academy of American Poets Prize
Department of English
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
by April 7, 2009.
Manuscripts should be prepared as follows:
Along with your submission, submit a title page listing your titles, your name, your e-mail address and your regular address. Include your title, but not your name, on the manuscript of each poem.
Announcement of winners and runner-ups will be made before the end of the semester.
Each year, the creative writing program at Southern Illinois University Carbondale, in conjunction with the Academy of American Poets, presents a poetry prize. The prize of $100 is given for the best poem and is open to all SIUC graduate students.
Contestants should submit up to three poems to
Rodney Jones, Coordinator
Academy of American Poets Prize
Department of English
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
by April 7, 2009.
Manuscripts should be prepared as follows:
Along with your submission, submit a title page listing your titles, your name, your e-mail address and your regular address. Include your title, but not your name, on the manuscript of each poem.
Announcement of winners and runner-ups will be made before the end of the semester.
Friday, April 03, 2009
Allison Joseph to read at APSU
Allison Joseph, creative writing faculty, will read from her work at APSU in Clarksville, TN:
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Alumni Profile: Greg Schwipps (MFA '98)
Here's a profile of Greg Schwipps (MFA '98) from his undergraduate alma mater:
De Pauw University News
Greg is back at SIUC for the Little Grassy Literary Festival and will be reading from his new novel on Friday, April 3 at 11 am in the Student Center Auditorium.
De Pauw University News
Greg is back at SIUC for the Little Grassy Literary Festival and will be reading from his new novel on Friday, April 3 at 11 am in the Student Center Auditorium.
Congrats to Mark Brewin!
Mark Brewin, first-year poet, writes with this good news!
Ahoy there, Allison.
Just dropping you an e-mail to say my poem "Fidel Castro Visits a Frat Party" has been accepted for publication in New Delta Review. Whoa, sugar.
Congrats, Mark!
New Delta Review
Ahoy there, Allison.
Just dropping you an e-mail to say my poem "Fidel Castro Visits a Frat Party" has been accepted for publication in New Delta Review. Whoa, sugar.
Congrats, Mark!
New Delta Review
Poemspotting: Amie Whittemore
"Visiting," a poem by second-year MFA student Amie Whittemore, appears in the Spring/Summer 2009 issue of Atlanta Review.
Altanta Review
Altanta Review
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Congrats to Melissa Scholes Young!
First year fiction writer Melissa Scholes Young has more good news!
Stone's Throw
Congrats, Melissa!
I wanted to let you know that Stone's Throw Magazine is publishing my nonfiction piece "Brazil: 10 Ways."
Stone's Throw
Congrats, Melissa!
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