Monday, March 23, 2009

3/23-3/27: A Week's Worth of Creative Writing Events

Lots of great events happening this week. Here's a roundup:

Monday, March 23: Visiting Writers Series reading with Kathleen Rooney, Kyle Minor and Laura Benedict
SIUC Student Center Ohio Room, 4-5:30 pm

Tuesday, March 24: In-House Readings featuring MFA students Justin Benton, Amie Whittemore, Rick Pechous and Travis Mossotti
SIUC Student Center Thebes Room, 4-5:30 pm

Thursday, March 26: Roxana Rivera Memorial Poetry Contest ceremony, featuring readings from the contest judge, poet Stacey Lynn Brown, and this year's prize-winning poets
SIUC Student Center Auditorium, 4-5 pm, with book signing and reception to follow in Old Main Lounge

Friday, March 27: Women's Words. Women students and faculty from the SIUC MFA Program read from their favorite women writers and from their own work. Featuring A.K. Thompson, Amie Whittemore, Rachel Furey, Janelle Blasdel, Melissa Scholes Young, Krishna Pattisapu, Allison Joseph, Alberta Skaggs and Azizat Danmole.
SIUC Student Center Mississippi Room 4-5 pm with reception to follow in Old Main Lounge