Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Campus Writing Contest: Andy P. Smith Award

2009 Andy P. Smith Writing Contest

Calling SIUC Undergraduate and Graduate Students
Any Major

First Prize: $200
1 undergrad and 1 grad

Second Prize: $50
1 undergrad and 1 grad

Topic: How does the geography and environment of Southern Illinois affect your experience as a student?

Length: 1000-1500 words

Submission Format:
Do not write your name or anything that would identify you on the essay. Instead,
submit your essay with a coversheet containing the following information:

Address, Phone #, E-mail (if you are graduating include permanent contact info)
Year in school and major
Essay title

Deliver essays to Emily McQuillian, Awards Coordinator at Faner 2265
Due: January 20, 2009

To get a more detailed explanation or for answers to any questions, contact Emily Mc
Quillan at emcquill@siu.edu. Please put “Smith Award” in the subject line.