Thursday, October 09, 2008

Jason Lee Brown (MFA '08) update:

The hardworking Jason Lee Brown (MFA '08, fiction) has some updates:

My story “Histrionics” was selected for publication in Quiddity for its themed Abraham Lincoln “Better Angels” Issue. My story spans from 1837-42, the years in which Lincoln lived and shared the same bed with lifetime friend Joshua Fry Speed.

On the poetry front, I have poems (“My Older Brother, June Bug” and “Name I Will Never Forget”) in the current issue of Post Road. Post Road has included an excerpt of one of the poems on its website. My poem “First Acceptance” is in the current issue of Confrontation.

Also, Universal Table/Wising Up Press will republish my poem “Curt Jones’s Father” in its anthology Cold Shoulders, Evil Eyes, Steadying Gazes and Warm Embraces. The poem first appeared in Elysian Fields Quarterly, The Baseball Review.

Post Road
Post Road



Universal Table
Universal Table