Monday, January 21, 2008

SIUC at the 2008 AWP Conference in New York, NY

Though SIUC is not a sponsor for this year's AWP Conference in New York City, several MFA Carbondale folks will be at the conference, serving on panels:

Friday, February 1, 2008, 12-1:15 PM
Conference Room K
Sheraton, Lower Level, Executive Conference Center
F149. Keeping Things Afloat: The Business of Literary Magazine Publishing. (Ron Mitchell, Lynne Nugent, Richard Sowienski, JON TRIBBLE) Managing editors from Crab Orchard Review, The Iowa Review, The Missouri Review, and Southern Indiana Review, literary journals that differ in print run, staff, and budget-but not ambition-explore the dual roles of managing content and commerce, addressing unique and shared operating challenges in the current climate of fiscal crisis, including administering contests, "in-sourcing" production and design, securing grants, and implementing both traditional and web-based marketing strategies.

Friday, February 1, 2008, 12-1:15 PM
Conference Room E
Sheraton, Lower Level, Executive Conference Center
F148. Writing and Motherhood. (JACINDA TOWNSEND, Dani Shapiro, Ann Hood, Crystal Wilkinson, Lori Tharps, Joey Flamm Costello) Writing, claims author Jessamyn West, is a solitary occupation, with family, friends, and society a writer's natural enemies, and indeed, society often sees parenthood as antithetical to authorship. Yet many women and men successfully write through their parenting years. Our panel is composed of six mothers who will discuss the cohabitation of motherhood and authorship. Among other topics, we will explore questions of how we overcome intrusions into the "rooms of our own," and whether these intrusions themselves often allow us to produce.

Saturday, February 2, 2008, 9-10:15 AM
Mercury Ballroom
Hilton, 3rd Floor
S112. Ultra-talk Poetry. (David Kirby, Barbara Hamby, RODNEY JONES, Mark Halliday, Adrian Blevins) The Spring 2007 issue of TriQuarterly, "The Ultra-talk Issue", was compiled by guest editors Barbara Hamby and David Kirby and consists of 104 poems by 64 poets, including Collins, Olds, Perillo, Hoagland, and Goldbarth. Ultra-talk poetry has been called "garrulous to an extreme, quite often self-reflexive, determinedly associative, and frequently humorous." Panelists will discuss the ultra-talk aesthetic using their own and others' poems from the TriQuarterly issue.

For more information about AWP and the annual conference, visit
Association of Writers and Writing Programs

SIUC will be a sponsor for AWP in 2009, when the conference returns to Chicago.