"Dream Horse Press has announced: my manuscript, Sudden Anthem, has won
the 2007 American Poetry Journal Book Prize. The award carries a
$1000 prize and book publication, with the book slated for a
Winter/Spring 2008 release. The book will be available via Amazon,
Barnes & Noble, and other bookstores that see fit to order it.
For information about American Poetry Journal, click here:
The biannual journal features a mix of established poets and rising
stars. One of my favorite poets today--Bob Hicok--sits on the
advisory board. That he might have had a hand in selecting my manuscript is,
for me, an incredible honor...
For information on Dream Horse Press, click here:
Last years APJ winning manuscript, Ted Worozbyt's The Dauber Wings, is
an excellent--and excellent looking--book. Ted most recently won the
prestigious Juniper Prize (UMass Press) for his second poetry
collection Letters of Transit, so I guess that means I'm following a
strong tradition. Pretty cool.
The editor of Dream Horse is poet and activist J.P. Dancing Bear.
He's the author of one full-length collection, Billy Last Crow, as
well as six chapbooks. Click here to learn more:
Everyone--this is down the road a piece, but when the book gets
released, if you know someone who works at a bookstore, library,
college or university--anywhere they hold a poetry reading series--you
might turn them on to my book once its ready for release. Like any
small press, Dream Horse depends on its poets to do their part in
marketing books. Essentially this means doing readings, anywhere and
everywhere. Some poets shy away from readings, but I actually enjoy
Excited here in Madison."
Congrats, Matt!