Monday, March 19, 2007

Benjamin Percy (MFA '04) Wins Plimpton Prize!

from the Paris Review website:

The Plimpton Prize
$10,000 is awarded to the best work of fiction published in The Paris Review in a given year by an emerging or previously unpublished writer.

The 2007 Plimpton Prize will be awarded to Benjamin Percy for his story “Refresh, Refresh” from issue 175.

The Plimpton Prize honors The Paris Review's longtime editor, George Plimpton, who presided over the magazine for fifty years, until his death in September 2003. The prize will be awarded annually for the best piece of fiction by a newcomer to appear in The Paris Review that year. The prize continues the tradition of the magazine's Discovery Prize, which has been awarded to such writers as Elizabeth Gilbert, Julie Orringer, and Karl Iagnemma.

Congrats, Ben! You make us proud!