Thursday, September 20, 2012

Allison Joseph to read at Pittsburg State

SIUC faculty poet will read from her work as a visiting writer at
Pittsburg (KS) State:

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Congrats to Nick Ostdick (MFA '12)

Recent fiction grad Nick Ostdick writes with this lovely news:

Exit 7 has accepted my story "Somewhere Between This World and
Another" for publication in their next issue, due out in February. I'm
way geeked.

Congrats, Nick! We miss you in the Dale!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

new OXFORD BOOK OF AMERICAN SHORT STORIES includes Pinckney Benedict

SIUC fiction faculty member is included in state-of-the-art fiction anthology!
My story "Mercy" is included in the new edition of THE OXFORD BOOK OF AMERICAN SHORT STORIES, edited by Joyce Carol Oates, just out from Oxford University Press. It's included with a veritable Murderer's Row of folks, from Washington Irving to Jhumpa Lahiri via Eudora Welty and Ha Jin. Pretty happy about this one.

Here's are links:

great news for Staci Schoenfeld!

Second-year poet Staci Schoenfeld has lovely news:

I heard from the New Plains Review that they accepted my poem "On
Silent Retreat at The Abbey of Gethsemani, Trappist, Kentucky." Woot!
It will be out in their Fall 2012 issue. :)

Congrats, Staci!!