Tuesday, September 27, 2011

SIUC Poet to Read at Central Methodist University

SIUC faculty poet Allison Joseph will read from her work at Central Methodist University on Wednesday, Sept 28, 2011:

Details here:
Poetry Reading, Fayette, MO

2011 Devil's Kitchen Literary Festival @ SIUC

Here's information on our upcoming annual fall literary festival

2011 Devil's Kitchen Literary Festival
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday, October 26 – 28
(All Events in SIUC's Morris Library)


8:00 – 9:15 p.m.
Readings by Amina Gautier & Rodney Jones
John C. Guyon Auditorium (1st Floor Morris Library)

9:15 – 10:00 p.m.
Festival Reception (sponsored by the SIUC Dept. of English)
1st Floor Rotunda (Morris Library)


—panel discussion, John C. Guyon Auditorium (1st Floor Morris Library)—

11:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Visiting Writers Panel featuring Amina Gautier, Alyson Hagy, Katherine
Riegel, Ira Sukrungruang, & Jerry Williams

2:00 – 3:15 p.m.
Readings by Brian Barker & Camille Dungy
John C. Guyon Auditorium (1st Floor Morris Library)

3:15 – 4:30 p.m.
Reception and Book Signing featuring all festival readers
1st Floor Rotunda (Morris Library)

4:30 – 6:00 p.m.
Readings by the 2011 Devil's Kitchen Reading Award Winners
Jerry Williams & Alyson Hagy
John C. Guyon Auditorium (1st Floor Morris Library)


11:00 – 11:50 a.m.
Readings by Katherine Riegel & Ira Sukrungruang
John C. Guyon Auditorium (1st Floor Morris Library)

2:00 – 3:30 p.m.
The Anthology Pathology: How to Edit a Creepy Book (Editors and
contributors discuss and read from two new anthologies--The Book of
Villains and Surreal South '11: Monsters and Ghosts)
John C. Guyon Auditorium (1st Floor Morris Library)

The festival is sponsored by GRASSROOTS, the Southern Illinois
University Carbondale Department of English's undergraduate literary
magazine. The Devil's Kitchen Fall Literary Festival is made possible
through funding from the SIUC Fine Arts Activity Fee, the SIUC
Creative Writing Program's Visiting Writers Series, and CRAB ORCHARD

Festival author links:

Brian Barker website: http://brianbarker.net/

Laura and Pinckney Benedict bios and information on the Surreal South
anthologies on the Press 53 website:

Camille Dungy website: http://www.camilledungy.com/

Amina Gautier website: http://www.aminagautier.com/

Alyson Hagy author page at Graywolf Press with links to her books:

Rodney Jones page at The Poetry Foundation:

Katherine Riegel website: http://www.katherineriegel.com/

Ira Sukrungruang website: http://www.sukrungruang.com/

Jerry Williams bio and Q&A on the blog How a Poem Happens:

Josh Woods bio (bottom of the page) and his anthology The Book of
Villains at Main Street Rag Publishing website:

Monday, September 26, 2011

A Profile of the SIUC MFA Program

courtesy the Daily Egyptian, SIUC's student newspaper:


Thursday, September 22, 2011

more Brewin news

Mark Jay Brewin Jr. (MFA '11, poetry) is definitely on a roll:

I am pleased to say that Cave Wall has accepted for publication the
untitled, prologue-poem for my book which I will affectionately refer
to as by its first line "Water was always the problem

Congrats, MB, on all your recent publication acceptances!

Update: Kevin McKelvey (MFA '04, poetry)

An update from Kevin McKelvey, poetry alum:

So I'm still doing writing-in-the-schools programs, now with my UIndy
students through Second Story (secondstoryindy.org). My students are
also editing, designing, and publishing books for second through
eighth graders at local schools. Here's an article about some of that
work, which I co-wrote with my collaborators from a local IPS school,
Second Story, and a class at Butler University:


Great work, Kevin! Keep us posted!

Monday, September 19, 2011

more Brewin news

Mark Brewin (MFA '11) has more news:

I just found out I was a finalist in the 2011 New Letters Literary Award.

Congrats, MB!!

list of finalists here:

Friday, September 16, 2011

A Portrait of a New Literary Journal: Prime Mincer

Read here about Prime Mincer, a new literary journal founded by SIUC MFA alums and current creative writing graduate students:

Prime Mincer

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Kudos to Lumans and Brewin

News from some recent alums:

Alex Lumans (MFA '09, fiction):

A story of mine entitled "The Dictionary of Your Fears" was published
yesterday at Necessary Fiction. And the day before, they posted an
essay of mine with a far too long title ("Parochial Plaids,
Self-Cogitation, the Water Moccasin Myth, and "I Might Want to Come
Back": How You're Already Trying to Figure Out What This List Means").

Also, Blackbird accepted my story "Signs and Wonders" for publication.

Mark Jay Brewin, Jr. (MFA '11, poetry):

I am happy to say that my poem "So Intricate, So Inconceivably
Complex" has been accepted for publication in Columbia Poetry Review.
You, Rodney and Judy have all seen this poem in every incantation, and
it would not have been picked up without your diligent work. Thanks
very much.

Congrats, Alex and Mark!!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Writers Workshop, Carbondale Public Library, starting 9/20/11

Third-year MFA students Shawn Mitchell and Nick Ostdick will be
running a semester-long creative writing class/workshop at the
Carbondale Public Library every Tuesday from 6:30PM-8PM starting
September 20th.

Update: Rachel Furey (MFA '09)

Spectacular news from Rachel Furey (MFA '09, fiction):

I hope all is well in Carbondale.
I thought I'd pass along news of recent publications. My short story
"Jody's Solo" took second place in the American Fiction Prize and will
be published in Volume 12 of American Fiction: The Best Unpublished
Short Stories by Emerging Writers. The story was also a finalist for
the Normal School Fiction Prize, so I am happy it found a home. Also,
my story "Stealing Scalpels" will appear in Fifth Wednesday Journal,
my story "Baby Girl" in the Tidal Basin Review, and my story "The
Blood Donation" in New Texas.

Friday, September 02, 2011

Fiction Forthcoming from Nick Ostdick!

Congrats to third-year MFA fiction writer NIck Ostdick:

My flash fiction 'About That' has been accepted for publication by the good folks over Big Lucks for their 'real talk' issue.

Congrats, Nick!

Big Lucks:
Big Lucks

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Congrats to Pete Lucas!

Second-year fiction MFA student Pete Lucas has this great news:

My short story, "For the Good of the Family" received an honorable
mention in Glimmer Train's June Fiction Open.
list of honorable mentions