Monday, August 29, 2011

Alumni Publications: New and Forthcoming

SIUC MFA alums have been busy:

Brenna Lemieux (MFA '11, poetry):
Ploughshares has just accepted my poem "Precision," for its Winter 2012 issue.

Mary Jay Brewin, Jr. (MFA '11, poetry):
My poem "Kansas Burning" was accepted for publication at storySouth. I
like the sound of that.

Melissa Scholes Young (MFA '11, fiction):

My interview with Devil's Kitchen's very own Jennine Capo Crucet is
up at Fiction Writers Review. Enjoy!

Congrats to all on these excellent publications!

Friday, August 19, 2011

SIUC MFA Program Ranked at #25 in 2012 Poets and Writers rankings!

Poets and Writers Magazine has ranked the SIUC MFA Program in Creative Writing at #25 in the nation!

Details here:
the Top 50

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Welcome to Carbondale, New MFA Students!

MFA Carbondale is happy to welcome the following new students to Carbondale:

Josh Bontrager, Poetry
Jenny Flack, Fiction
Mary Kate Flannery, Fiction
Elise Foster, Fiction
Brett Gaffney, Poetry
Maggie Graber, Poetry
Josh Gray, Fiction
Ben Guerette, Fiction
Patrick Hunt, Fiction
Austin Kodra, Poetry
Zach Macholz, Poetry
Staci Schoenfeld, Poetry
Ashley Sigmon, Fiction

Welcome and thanks for coming!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

MFA Orientation: Monday, August 15 @ 3:30 pm

Come one, come all (MFA students and faculty that is):

MFA Orientation for New and Returning Students
MFA Program in Creative Writing
Southern Illinois University Carbondale

Meeting time: 3:30 pm
Meeting date: Monday, August 15th, 2011
Meeting place: Harry T. Moore Auditorium, Faner Hall

We will welcome our new class of MFA students officially to the SIUC MFA Program!

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Travis Mossotti to be featured on "The Writer's Almanac"!

2011 MFA poetry alum Travis Mossotti has more good news:

Just found out that Garrison Keillor is going to be reading my poem, "Crossing the Gap" on NPR's The Writer's Almanac this upcoming Monday, August 8th 2011. The broadcast will be available online at, The Writer's Almanac official website.

Great news, Travis!!!

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Congrats to Nick Ostdick!

Third-year fiction MFA student Nick Ostdick starts August off with some very good news:

My story 'Thursday' has been picked up by Anthills for their sixth issue due in November. It's the first story from thesis to be picked up. How 'bout that, huh?

Congrats, Nick!!!

Monday, August 01, 2011

Travis Mossotti update

Travis Mossotti is now a daddy!  And yes, his poems are still being accepted everywhere:

Genie and baby are doing great: sleeping, feeding, sleeping, feeding, well, you get the picture. I read Cora the last half of "Song of Myself" between last night and the early hours of the morning. She was a fan. Might move on to some Allison Joseph next.

Got some pub news: 5AM took "At the Deli Counter" for publication this winter, and Dark Horse accepted "Delivering the Bad News" for this fall.   

Congrats on the publications, Travis, and congrats to you and Genie and the birth of Cora!

Mark Brewn publication update

Poetry alum Mark Brewin (MFA '11, poetry) writes:

I am pleased to announce that my poem "On Garages" was accepted for publication at Arroyo Literary Review. Thanks very much to all of my peers and professors from SIUC for helping this piece get this far. I hope all is well, and--I must say--I miss The 'Dale quite a bit.

Congrats, MJB!

Brenna Lemieux publication update

MFA '11 grad Brenna Lemieux writes with fine poetry publication news:

I'm writing with some publication news for a steamy summer day. I just found out that Prairie Schooner will publish my poems "Three-Fingered Willy" and "Mislaid Memory about Pigeons," and RHINO has accepted "Ear Training.

Congrats, Brenna!!!!