The faculty, staff and participants of SIUC's 13th Annual Young Writers Workshop cordially invite you to join them for this year's Reading Series. All events are free and open to the public!
Young Writers Workshop 2011 Reading Series: Southern Illinois University Carbondale
JUNE 21, 2011:
SIUC Faculty Reading: Pinckney Benedict
Faner Hall, Harry T. Moore Auditorium, 8 pm
SIUC fiction faculty member Pinckney Benedict will read selections of his work.
JUNE 22, 2011:
SIUC Graduate Creative Writers Reading:
Ruth Awad, Shawn Mitchell, and Andrew McSorley
Faner Hall 1005, 4-5 PM
Visiting Writer Reading: Allison Joseph and Jon Tribble, poets
Harry T. Moore Auditorium) 8PM
SIUC MFA Program Director Allison Joseph and Crab Orchard Review Managing Editor Jon Tribble will read from their nationally-published works of poetry.
JUNE 23, 2011:
SIUC Graduate Creative Writers Reading:
Dan Paul, John Stanford Owen, and Sequoia Nagamatsu
Faner Hall 1005, 4-5 PM
Visiting Writer Reading: Travis Mossotti, poet
Harry T. Moore Auditorium 8 PM
Travis Mossotti received his MFA in poetry from Southern Illinois University Carbondale. His poetry continues to appear widely. Mossotti was awarded the James Hearst Poetry Prize from the North American Review in 2009. His first collection of poems, About the Dead (Utah State University Press, 2011), was awarded the 2011 May Swenson Poetry Award.
JUNE 24, 2011:
SIUC Graduate Creative Writers Reading:
Pete Lucas, Max Schleicher, and Nick Ostdick
Faner Hall 1005, 4-5 PM
Visiting Writer: Michael Meyerhofer, poet
Harry T. Moore Auditorim 8 PM
Michael Meyerhofer’s third book of poems, Damnatio Memoriae, won the Brick Road Poetry Book Contest. Previous poetry books are Blue CollarEulogies (Steel Toe Books) and Leaving Iowa (winner of the Liam Rector First Book Award). He also has a fantasy novel, Wytchfire, that is forthcoming from Triskaideka Books. His work has appeared in Ploughshares, North American Review, Arts & Letters, River Styx, Quick Fiction and other journals, and can be read online at
JUNE 25, 2011:
Young Writers Workshop Participant Reading
Cisne Auditorium, Pulliam Hall 34, 1:30 PM