Sunday, April 29, 2007

Brad Vice Fiction Reading--Monday, April 30

The Visiting Writers Series is proud to present a reading by


4PM, April 30, 2007
Mississippi Room
SIUC Student Center

Free and Open to the Public

Brad Vice's fiction has appeared in The Atlantic Monthly, Southern Review, Greensboro Review, and Shenandoah, among other worthy venues. His work has also appeared in anthologies such as New Stories from the South and Best New American Voices. A new edition of his collection, The Bear Bryant Funeral Train, has been published by River City Publishing.

Read more about Brad Vice here
  • Brad Vice
  • Thursday, April 26, 2007

    MFA Graduation GALA--April 27, 2007

    The Creative Writing Program of Southern Illinois University Carbondale's Department of English
    cordially invites you to attend our MFA Celebration

    April 27, 2007
    6:30 PM
    Student Center Renaissance Room

    These eleven graduating students will read briefly from their thesis works:

    Chris Allen
    Amy Blache
    J. Benjamin Borden
    Jacob Boyd
    Chris Bryson
    Desiree Dighton
    Elisabeth Meyer
    James Miller
    Ingrid Browning Moody
    Kurt Mueller
    R. Elena Pearson

    Please join us in wishing them congratulations and godspeed. There will be a reception with refreshments before the readings and during the intermission.

    Graduate Faculty:
    Pinckney Benedict, Rodney Jones, Judy Jordan, Allison Joseph, Beth Lordan, Mike Magnuson, Jacinda Townsend.

    Sunday, April 22, 2007

    Congrats to Rachel Furey!

    Received this note today from first-year MFA fiction writer Rachel Furey:

    I just thought I'd let you know that I recently got a short
    story titled "Naked Mannequins" accepted for the fall issue of
    Our Time is Now (a literary magazine for writers 23 and
    under). I also recently found out that I was chosen to receive
    the Wright Morris scholarship for full tuition, room, and board
    to attend the Nebraska Summer Writers' Conference.

    Well-done, Rachel!

    Michael Meyerhofer reads in Virginia

    Michael Meyerhofer (MFA '06) will read from his award-winning full-length collection on Wednesday, April 25 at 6PM at the Longwood University Bed and Breakfast. This reading celebrates the publication of Leaving Iowa, the first winner of the Liam Rector First Book Award in Poetry (Briery Creek Press).

    The Longwood University Bed & Breakfast is located at 608 High Street, Farmville, VA 23901.

    Saturday, April 21, 2007

    Rodney Jones in California for Tufts Awards Ceremony

    Claremont Graduate University’s 15th Annual
    Kingsley and Kate Tufts Poetry Awards Ceremony
    April 24, 2007 - Zipper Concert Hall, The Colburn School of Music
    200 S. Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, California


    2007 Winners:
    Rodney Jones - Kingsley Tufts Award $100,000 for Salvation Blues
    Eric McHenry - Kate Tufts Discovery Award $10,000 for Potscrubber Lullabies

    Claremont Graduate University Presents the 15th Annual Kingsley and Kate Tufts Poetry Awards ceremony at 6 p.m. on April 24 at Zipper Concert Hall, The Colburn School of Music. Come and hear the authors read from their award winning works. The ceremony will be followed by a book signing. Books will be available for purchase on site.

    Claremont Graduate University awards two prizes for poetry each year, The Kingsley Tufts Award ($100,000) and The Kate Tufts Discovery Award ($10,000.) CGU’s Kingsley Tufts Poetry Award is the largest monetary prize in the nation for a mid-career poet. Carbondale, Illinois resident Rodney Jones—a professor of English at Southern Illinois University—has been selected as the winner of the $100,000 Kingsley Tufts Award for his poetry book, Salvation Blues (Houghton Mifflin, 2006). Kate Tufts Discovery Award is presented annually for a first book by a poet of genuine promise. The winner of the $10,000 Kate Tufts Discovery Award is Seattle resident Eric McHenry for his poetry book, Potscrubber Lullabies (The Waywiser Press, 2006).

    Monday, April 16, 2007


    "A Toast to Virtue," a new poem by first-year poet Kerry James Evans, appears in the Spring 2007 issue of the Mid-American Poetry Review. I can't find any web links for this journal, so if you want to get a copy so you can read the poem or if you want submit poetry to this journal that specializes in publishing poets of the Midwest, write to

    The Mid-America Poetry Review
    P.O. Box 575
    Warrensburg, MO 64093-0575

    Their next deadline for submissions is July 15.

    Sunday, April 15, 2007

    Catching Up With Douglas Haynes (MFA '02):

    Got this very nice note from Douglas Haynes (MFA '02) after spotting his poem "Alopecia" in the latest issue of the Bellevue Literary Review:

    Without ever intending to, I've settled in New Hampshire for a while, where I'm now in my second year of teaching at New England College (I'm an actual Assistant Professor with a business card and a 401k, both of which I feel quite ambivalent about!). I genuinely appreciate the perks and pleasures of teaching, though, especially after my 2005 stint of freelance newspaper writing that had me chased out of libertarians' houses and touring garden and cat shows. For now, I teach two first-year composition courses, an advanced personal essay course, and a general education seminar I designed called "Translating Travel: Reading & Writing Across Cultures." I also continue writing poetry, personal essays, and feature journalism. Recently, my poems have appeared in Bellevue Literary Review, Isotope, & Wild Earth, and I'm currently sending around a chapbook manuscript. I've also had essays in North American Review and Orion Online, among other places. I would love to hear from other SIUC M.F.A. alums and faculty. Write me at:

    Wednesday, April 11, 2007

    Moira Linehan Reading on April 19, 2007

    The Visiting Writers Series & Crab Orchard Review present a reading by Moira Linehan:
    THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 2007
    4:00 PM SIUC Student Center Auditorium

    This reading celebrates the publication of Moira Linehan's new book, If No Moon, published this year by Southern Illinois University Press in the Crab Orchard Series in Poetry.

    The reading is free and open to the public.

    Moira Linehan, award-winning poet, poetry teacher and prolific author, lives in Winchester, Massachusetts. Her
    poems have appeared in Green Mountains Review, Image, Notre Dame Review, Sou'wester, and Weber Studies.
    In summer 2005, she was poet-in-residence at the Poetry Center of Chicago.

    Read more about If No Moon here:

  • SIU Press
  • Congrats to Kerry James Evans

    A note from first-year poetry MFA student Kerry James Evans:

    Just wanted to let you know that The Dos Passos Review just
    accepted "Siphoning Gas" for publication in their June 2007

    Congrats, Kerry!

    Tuesday, April 03, 2007

    Rodney Jones short-listed for the 2007 Griffin Poetry Prize

    Rodney Jones is a finalist for the Griffin Poetry Prize!

    Read about it here:

  • Griffin Poetry Prize
  • Monday, April 02, 2007

    Honoree Fanonne Jeffers Reading--April 5

    The Visiting Writers Series and Crab Orchard Review present a reading by Honoree Fanonne Jeffers--Thursday, April 5, 4:00 PM, Mississippi Room, SIUC Student Center

    This reading celebrates the publication of Honoree Fanonne Jeffers's new book, Red Clay Suite, published this year by Southern Illinois University in the Crab Orchard Series in Poetry.

    The reading is free and open to the public.

    Honoree Fanonne Jeffers, an assistant professor of English at the University of Oklahoma, is the author of two other books of poetry, The Gospel of Barbecue and Outlandish Blues. She has received a number of honors, including the Stan and Tom Wick Prize for Poetry, the Julia Peterkin Award for Poetry, and awards from the Rona Jaffe Foundation and the Barbara Deming Memorial Fund.

    Read some of Honoree's work here:

  • Callaloo