Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Congrats to Sara Burge!

from second-year poetry MFA student Sara Burge:

Just thought I'd let you know (for the good of the blog) that
Backwards City Review just took my poem "The Failure of
Smell-O-Vision." It will be in issue #5.

Friday, December 15, 2006

End-of-Semester News and Notes

Congrats to third-year MFA poetry student Lis Meyer, whose paper "Making the Abstract Concrete: Teaching Creative
Writing through Critical Thinking" was accepted for the Association of Writers and Writing Programs Conference's Pedagogy Forum.

Congrats to second-year MFA poetry student Sara Burge, whose poem "The Valley, The Shadow" appears in the new issue of River Styx as one of their annual poetry contest winners.

Congrats to second-year MFA fiction student Jason Lee Brown, whose story "Chicken Without a Head," appears in the new issue of The Journal.

Poems by current student Helena Bell, current faculty Allison Joseph, MFA grad Chad Parmenter, and former faculty members Lucia Perillo and Margot Schillpp appear in the new issue of Margie (volume 5).

Former faculty member Lucia Perillo's new book, "Ground Truth: On Disability, Poetry, and Nature" is forthcoming from Trinity University Press.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Congrats to James Miller

Third year MFA poetry student James Miller has been nominated by Arkansas Review for a Pushcart Prize for his poem "Juke: Valentine's Day, Chicago 1968."

You can find out more about Arkansas Review (but unfortunately can't see the poem) at

Arkansas Review

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Grassroots Reading, December 7

Grassroots, SIUC's undergraduate journal, will be holding an open mike reading on December 7, 2006
at the Longbranch Coffeehouse (100 E. Jackson) in Carbondale.
The reading, which is free and open to all, will start at 8PM.

Come to read, listen, or both.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Congrats to Elena Pearson

Third year MFA poetry student Elena Pearson writes:

My poem "Grandparents' House, Venezuela" has been accepted for publication at Compass Rose. I will be published in both the 2006-2007 online edition and the 2007-2008 printed edition. I submitted to Compass Rose after reading about their call for submission that you posted on CRWROPPS.

NB: CRWROPPS is the Creative Writers Opportunities List--see the link for it at right on the "Links" list.